Franklin Pierce Supervisor Electronic Timecard Training
Introduction Human Resources and Payroll have partnered to generate an on-line timecard process. Each department will be brought on-line incrementally. Once your department has been trained, your staff will no longer use paper timecards for normal time submission. It is also important to note that the University will be working towards a paperless payroll process.
Security All passwords MUST be held confidential. If you forget your password, you can contact HR to have your password reset. If one of your staff forgets their password, only THEY can contact HR to have their password reset. With your password, you will have access to the timecards of your direct reports anywhere, anytime and anyplace.
How Will I Know When I Need to Approve a Timesheet? You will be sent an from: once one of your direct reports has completed his/her You will receive an individual from each employee who completes and submits their on-line timesheet You simply need to double click on the link and this link will automatically take you to the CORT timesheet approval screen But Wait…there is also another way for you to view your employees timesheet…
But Wait….There’s More!!! You can access your direct reports timesheets using the CORT website. Simply log onto: You will log in using your last name, first initial (Doej) and your initial password is: _______. Note: The system is not case sensitive. You will have two user names/passwords. One for YOUR supervisory duties and one for your own personal information.
Now That You’ve Signed on On the left menu bar, click on timesheets To review a submitted timesheet, click timesheets. Then click on Actions and Review Note: You can also review any timesheet for your direct reports that have not yet been submitted to you and any that you have returned to them.
First Screen You Will See...
Scrolling Down to Calculate Totals
Adding Comments Prior to Resubmission
Link - Final Screen Once you have decided to request a correction on a time sheet, you will simply click the resubmit button to send the timesheet back to your direct report. The screen to the left will appear. Once again, click submit to ‘send’ an back to the employee. When you are approving through an link, this screen will appear to finalize the process.
How do I Know I Returned a Timesheet?