What we’ve discussed so far is demonstrative ADJECTIVES. Adjectives describe nouns: Quiero esta manzana. – I want this apple. Now we’ll talk about demonstrative PRONOUNS. Pronouns take the place of nouns: No quiero esta manzana; quiero ésa. – I don’t want this apple; I want that one. The only difference between a demonstrative ADJECTIVE and a demonstrative PRONOUN in Spanish is the accent mark. If it’s a pronoun, there’ll be an accent mark over the first “e” in the word. If there’s a noun after it, it’s an adjective; if there’s not, it’s a pronoun.
Diario 74 Los demonstrativos
#74 Demonstrative Pronouns *Replace the demonstrative adjective and noun with a demonstrative pronoun 1) El granjero quiere esa vaca. Quiere _________. (this one) 2) Las ovejas comen esta hierba. Comen _______. (that way over there) 3) Las gallinas hicieron estos huevos. Hicieron ____________. (those) 4) ¿Prefieres este cerdo, ese cerdo o aquel cerdo? Prefiero _______________. (that one)
Diario #75 - Ordinales… 1) The first cow said “muuuu” 2) The second horse ran. 3) The third sheep walked. 4) The fourth hen made eggs. 5) The fifth farmer fed the pigs. 6) Come up with your own for 6 th -10 th …