Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Medicine
Postgraduate Training about 950 postgraduate students 5 subject areas about 130 obtain their doctorates each year
Faculty of Medicine Organisation
Departmental Structure
Postgraduate Education Committee Headed by assistant dean Prof. Anita Sjölander The task of the Postgraduate Education Committee is to assist the Faculty Board by handling questions concerning postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine, including the following: eligibility of students for admission to graduate studies financial assistance for graduate students graduate courses public thesis defence allocation of travel grants and summer grants
Education cycles in Sweden All higher education courses and study programmes are placed into cycles according to Bologna process. First cycle (undergraduate/Bachelor's) Second cycle (postgraduate/Master's) Third cycle (postgraduate/doctoral) -Degree of Licentiate, 2 years, 120 hp -Degree of Doctor, 4 years, 240 hp
Subject Areas Biomedicine Laboratory medicine Clinical medicine Health science Public health science.
Full time studies Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Admission Halfway review Examination Compulsory courses 120 hp 180 hp Certificate from the supervisor to the HR officer Portfolio Part time studies are allowed to carry on during 8 years Phases during Postgraduate studies
Supervisor/Assistant supervisor One principal supervisor One or several assistant supervisor/supervisors Principal supervisor- engaged at LU, USiL, UMAS or have some other clear affiliation to the Faculty of Medicine According to Higher- right to supervision Education Ordinance- right to change supervisor Application for changing supervisor is to be made to the Postgraduate Education Committee who will decide in the matter
Individual studyplan The individual studyplan stipulates rights, duties and expectations are between faculty, supervisor and postgraduate student Contains- a timetable for the programme of education - a description of the PhD student’s and the faculty boards respective obligations during the period of postgraduate training - other matters needed for an effective programme of study May contain- litterature - courses - working time - journeys
Individual studyplan – follow-up Followed up at least once a year, amend and signed by the supervisors and the student Discussion Web version
Courses of Postgraduate studies Basic package of compulsory courses: -Introductional course1 hp -Scientific Communication1,5 hp -Research Ethics 1,5 hp -Oral communication1,5 hp -Statistical methods in medical research1,5 hp or -SPSS-based biostatistics1,5 hp -(Laboratory animal science3 hp) + -One voluntary course1,5 hp -Portfolio9 hp -Total17,5 hp These compulsory courses must be completed before the halfway review
Halfway review Obligatory After roughly half the period of the postgraduate studies Students must have completed and passed all compulsory courses before the halfway review Aim:for the supervisor and the postgraduate student to evaluate the projects in terms of what has been accomplished and to ensure that progress is being made in accordance with the individual study plan
Halfway review -The supervisor initiates the halfway review -Public seminar -Two examiners -A brief report on the project + manuscript or reprint -Presentation of the work carried out so far and the plans for the continuation of the project up to the completion of the studies -Discussion -Private discussion between the student, the supervisors and the examiners Relevant form to notify the Faculty Office, where the approval is recorded in LADOK (the National Student Records Database)
Study grant :-/month Full time, at least 50% Postgraduate studentship Salary is set according to ”Lokalt avtal för lönesättning av doktorand” (approximately :-/month) Full time, at least 50% Employment Entitled to raise after 120 resp 180 hp (1.400: :-) PhD students may have a study grant for two years – after this they must be employed on a postgraduate studentship
Dissertation Requirements for a doctoral degree -Compulsory courses completed -Completed halfway review -The student must have been examined on the required reading and the coursework stated in the general syllabus for the subject and in the individual study programme -The student is to be continuously involved in the activities of his or her department, e.g.participation in postgraduate and departmental seminars -Portfolio
The thesis -is to have its origin in the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University -shall include 3-4 papers. At least one of these should have been published or accepted for publication, with the student as the only first author. It must be made clear that the student has participated in all phases of the publication process -consists of a summary and papers -shall be defended at a public examination ceremony Dissertation
Timetable Application3 month before planned date of examination Printingapproximately 6 weeks before planned date of examination Electronic posting3 weeks before planned date of examination Dissertation grant approx SEK Dissertation