Developing Employees ACC's Mission & Principles "Create an Environment for Employees that fosters personal Growth and allows Individuals to achieve their full Potential"
Developing Employees The System An integrated System Several Tools –Performance Appraisal –Development Review –Management Assessment –Feedback Review –and a common guide for development
Developing Employees Integrated System Performance Review –Retrospective –Performance rating –Basis for merit pay adjustment Development Review –Prepare for future positions –Development plans and goals Management Assessment –Broader evaluation by psychologist –Prior hiring & every 5 years Feedback Review –Voluntary program –Targeted to managerial style
Developing Employees Timetable Performance Review –Evaluation period: April to April –Managed in January Development Review –Evaluation on a yearly basis –Managed in May Management Assessment –Evaluation »Prior Hiring »Every 5 years on a voluntary basis –Managed at any time Feedback Review –Evaluation on total voluntary basis –Managed at any time
Developing Employees Benefits of Performance Review To the Employee –Discusses what is expected of them –Receives & gives feedback –Communicates with his supervisor –Discusses his personal development To the Supervisor –Clarifies what is expected of his employee –Discusses performance –Maximises his people resources –Gains upward feedback –Assists in developing the employee's career –Builds job satisfaction
Developing Employees Benefits of Performance Review To the Company –Contributes to the identification of the overall training needs –Improves overall performance –Maximises the people resourcs –Helps to build succession planning
Developing Employees Performance Review roles The Employee –Prepare self for interview –Seeks clarification of job objectives & performance standards –Suggests alternatives & ideas for improvment of self and of job –Seeks feedback on own performance –Assesses own performance against goals & standards –Contributes to development plan –Gives constructive feedback to supervisor The Supervisor –Translates business goals into individual job objectives –Communicates and agrees expectations on these –Monitors performance, gives feedback –Diagnoses employee strengths & development needs –Formulates & agrees action plan
Developing Employees Performance Review Process At the Beginning of the Period HR initiates with Supervisors Supervisor initiates with Employees –Performance Objectives –Standards to achieve –Measurement criteria Employee & Supervisor agree –Performances & Standards Expectations –Resources needed to achieve them Employee & Supervisor sign-off
Developing Employees Performance Review Process During the Measurement Period Supervisor provides to Employee –Immediate Feedback when appropriate –Guidance –On-going coaching Review the Objectives if necessary
Developing Employees Performance Review Process At the End of the Period HR initiates with Supervisors Supervisor initiates with Employees Employee self-asseeses –Responds to all questions on the form Supervisor gathers Information –2nd level of supervision –Dottled line supervisor –Other employees Supervisor assesses –Responds to all questions on the form –Summarises the employee's performance –Chooses an overall performance category
Developing Employees Performance Review Process Meeting Employee + Supervisor –Reaches understanding –Discuss & comments Supervisor signs-off final Statement Employee signs-off with Comments 2nd Level Supervisor signs-off with Comments HR signs-off
Developing Employees Benefits of Development Review To the Employee –Recognises underdeveloped skills –Evaluates & sets realistic development objectives –Enables Employee to capitalise on strengths –Receives assistance in setting realistic time-frames for career progression –Gets insights into realities limiting or enhancing career To the Supervisor –Maximises the people resources –Helps to develop the employee's career –Builds job satisfaction
Developing Employees Benefits of Development Review To the Company –Contributes to the identification of the overall training + development needs –Enables Company to capitalise on strengths –Maximises the actual & future people resources –Helps to build succession planning
Developing Employees Development Review Roles The Employee –Prepares self for interview discussion –Makes a statement of his aspirations –Suggests alternatives & ideas for self development –Develop a pro-active attitude for developing –Takes advantages of all opportunities
Developing Employees Development Review Roles The Supervisor –As Assessor »Evaluates employee behavior »Identifies strenghs and developmental needs »Provides timely honest feedback »Relates performance to career potential –As advisor »Helps employee to develop realistic career goals »Communicates the progress of employee in the organisation »Helps employee to understand curent opportunities »Helps employee to evaluate various career options
DEVELOPING EMPLOYEES Development Review Roles The Supervisor –As Developer »Helps employee understand strenghs & development needs »Helps employee to formulate development plans & stratregies »Directs employees to various resources »Identifies creative options for developmental activities »Identifies appropriate training activities »Follows-up, monitors development plans
Developing Employees Development Review Process HR initiates with Supervisors Supervisors initiate with Employees Employee self-assesses; Supervisor assesses –Development Profile –Short / Long term activities or experiences –Leveraging strenghs & development areas 2nd Level Supervisor / HR Involvment –Supervisor + 2nd level supervisor –Supervisor + HR ( optional ) 1st MEETING: Employee + Supervisor reach understanding on assessment Homework
Developing Employees Development Review Process 2nd Meeting ( or 2nd part of meeting ): Employee + Supervisor discuss / document –Remainder of Development Review Summary Worksheet –Employee signs off; Supervisor signs off 2nd Level Supervisor signs off HR Signs off
To the Employee –Receives in-depth feedback on »Workstyle »Interpersonnel style » Managerial style –Gets advicess on further development To the Supervisor –Receives objective confirmation to other assessments –Gets a better understanding of the employee – Avoids unnecessary tension / conflict To the Company –Maintains a high & consistent standard of hiring –Provides Senior Management information on employee's potential Developing Employees Management Assessment Benefits
Developing Employees Management Assessment Roles The Employee –Seeks clarification on the report –Reaches agreement with the psychologist –Draws-up and implements development plan The Supervisor –Helps to take decision prior hiring –Discuss the employee's needs –Helps in the implementation of action plan
Developing Employees Management Assessment Process Prior Hiring HR initiates with Psychologist Psychologist assesses Candidate Psychologist communicates Report to HR After Hiring Psychologist meets Employee + Supervisor separately –Gives Feedback –Provides additional Counselling –Delivers guidance for personal development
Developing Employees Management Assessment Process Every 5 Years HR initiates with Employee + Psychologist Psychologist assesses Employee Psychologist provides Report Psychologist meets Employee –Gives feedback –Provides additionnal councelling –Delivers guidance for personal development Psychologist meets Supervisor if necessary
Developing Employees Benefits of Feedback Review To the Employee –Provides feedback on managerial & organisational skills –Develops better understanding of immediate environment –Enables to create & implement development plan To the Appraiser –Improves relationship –Strives to focus on his own skills To the Supervisor ( if involved ) –Confirms or denies previous assessments –Provides additional information to review development plan
Developing Employees Feedback Review Roles The Employee –Takes initiative –Adopts an open and candid attitude –Seeks feedback –Commits to improve The Appraiser –Develops an attitude of help –Responds honestly –Provides suggestions for development The Supervisor ( if involved ) –Supports the review –Updates development plans with additionnal outcomes
Developing Employees Feedback Review Process Employee initiates with HRD Employee + HRD design the Target –Scope of the review: Questionnaire design –List of assessors »Subordinates »Peers »Bosses HRD prepares & distributes Questionnaires HRD collects & produces Report 1st Meeting: Feedback provided by HRD to Employee –Quantitative analysis –Qualitative analysis
Developing Employees Feedback Review Process Homework by Employee 2nd Meeting - HRD + Employee –Summarises feedback –Designs of Development Plan Meeting with Supervisor ( optional ) –Employeecommunicates results –Updates current Development Plan –Gets support Feedback to Assessors by Employee ( optional ) –Communicates results –Present Development Plan ( optional ) HRD Destroys all Documents
Developing Employees Development Activity Guide Reference Book Support for –Identifying & articulating development needs –Creating development plans