+ Management and Supervisor Buy- In Values Team presented draft Values to Management Team in December 2012 Management team made a couple of minor “wordsmithing” /emphasis changes
+ Company Roll Out Shared with all employees during plant meetings Values “banners” created Next Steps: Develop HR tools to support Values
+ Performance Review: Challenges Manager interpretation of rating system not consistent Rating system feels like a ‘grading’ system Managers not providing specific examples to support rating Manager often glosses over issues in order to support a better rating and raise No employee ‘buy-in’ to the review – it’s been top-down Coupling performance review and pay conversation
+ Goals for a New Tool Create a strong link to Values Create a tool that supports an objective conversation about job performance and behavior Help employees see what “A Player” behavior looks like Create a rating system that is accompanied by clear definitions Reduce overall manager subjectivity in rating Engage the employee by introducing a self- assessment component Create an overall rating that will be a factor in pay increase decisions Provide data that can assist managers and the company to develop training to address individual and overall company performance gaps
+ Process/Timeline Action ItemDate Develop new format incorporating Values definitionsMarch Management review of first draftApril Revisions to form based on management team and Values Team feedback, suggestions May - June Values Team review and ‘thumbs up’ of revised formatJune Management team review and approval of revised formatJuly Manager/Supervisor introduction to new form/processAugust Introduction of new form/process to employeesAugust Opportunity for “Test Drive”January ‘14
+ New Performance Review Tool 3 Sections Values Job Description Goals New rating system Meets and Needs Improvement Bonus Points for “Exceeds” Values and Job Performance equally weighted Overall score informs pay increase eligibility
+ New Performance Review Tool: Values
+ Job Description and Job Responsibilities
+ Overall Rating
+ Implementation Train managers and supervisors on using new tool (March) Definitions Scoring System Timeline for completion (April – May) Self-reviews by employees Managers complete initial reviews Sr. Manager review of all manager/supervisor reviews Quality Consistency Managers present reviews to employees Manager recommendation for salary increases