Tiger Dispatch VERSION 1.5 2/8/2014 Web: Address: 1515 Oakland Blvd. Suite 150 Walnut Creek, CA U.S.A. Phone: | Fax: | Mail:
AGENDA What is Tiger Dispatch? Features Architecture Screenshots Demo
TIGER DISPATCH Tiger Dispatch is a web application which supervisors and field teams who work in Tiger Team project use for: Assignment Management Live RSSI, VSWR and alarm info Live Map Tracker Directions and distance estimates Weather Forecast, Site info Reporting
ARCHITECTURE Technologies used: Presentation Operator and Tester GUI Output Files Application Operation Workflow Business Logic Google Maps API Data Database (Sites, Tests, Testers etc.) Input Files (RFDS, Red Line, Photos etc.) Industry standard three-tier architecture has been used. Presentation, application processing, and data management functions are logically separated which makes the application flexible and reusable.
MAIN PAGE Address:
LOGIN PAGE User Management: Unlimited users Unlimited roles (supervisor, field team, admin etc.) Easy to use GUI Secure connections
Supervisor screens: Assignments Tickets Sites Teams Messages Map Tracker Forum Reports
SUPERVISOR DASHBOARD Dashboard is a customizable table which shows all assignments at a glance. Edit and Delete features Field Chooser
SUPERVISOR DASHBOARD Grouping and filtering features makes management easier. Filtering Grouping
SUPERVISOR NEW ASSIGNMENT Auto-complete fetches the best matches from site database based on user’s input Location, weather forecast and health check for selected site
SUPERVISOR TICKETS Site photos uploaded by field teams
SUPERVISOR SITES Site database can be view or edited
SUPERVISOR TEAMS Teams can be view, edited or deleted
SUPERVISOR MESSAGES Messages with other users
SUPERVISOR MAP TRACKER Field team application sends teams’ GPS data to Map Tracker. Teams last location is shown on the map with their last site assigned.
SUPERVISOR REPORTING Assignment Counts (Different skin, order value and chart type)
SUPERVISOR REPORTING Assignment Information
SUPERVISOR REPORTING Maximum speed graphic based on the data trackers in vehicles send to the application.
SUPERVISOR FORUM Forum for knowledge sharing It supports single sign-on (SSO) and mobile devices
Field Team screens: Lists for available, In progress and completed tests Progress update Site and issue information Health Check Site direction, weather forecast Messages Forum
FIELD TEAM ASSIGNMENTS Field team can see the assignments Details of completed tests can be seen. Teams’ location is saved in the background periodically. Forum and feedback modules are mobile compatible Messages buttons create easy access for internal communication
FIELD TEAM ASSIGNMENT DETAILS AND PROGRESS Field team updates the progress by clicking buttons: Leaving the office, Starting the test, Test finished, Arrived the office Field team can close this page or restart the device. Data will be available after visiting back and all counters will continue from their last state
FIELD TEAM DIRECTIONS Application redirects user to Google Maps with start and end addresses. Both maps.google.com and Google Maps app can be used
FIELD TEAM FILES Field team can view the files uploaded by supervisor. Files are shown in mobile device’s native apps
FIELD TEAM TEST FINISHED Field team enters the information about the issue and the solution after test has been done. Site photos can be uploaded
THANK YOU Web: Address: 1515 Oakland Blvd. Suite 150 Walnut Creek, CA U.S.A. Phone: | Fax: | Mail: