Post Tenure Review Handbook-Master.pdfhttp:// Handbook-Master.pdf page 113
Principles Tenured faculty…responsible for developing his/her individual performance objectives in collaboration with the immediate supervisor Performance evaluation at least once every 5 years… but no more frequently than once every 12 months at the request of either the faculty or supervisor Focus should be on the accomplishment of performance objectives and overall performance in regard to professional expectations
Performance Objectives Timeframe Each year, faculty are to submit performance objectives to the immediate supervisor. Tenured faculty are responsible for developing his/her individual performance objectives in collaboration with the immediate supervisor at least once every five years, and submit them to his/her immediate supervisor in writing by May 1, of the year the individual is recommended for tenure and every five years thereafter Supervisors and his/her supervisor (Dean) are to review performance objectives by Sept. 1
If inadequate, between Sept. 1 and Oct. 15, supervisor reviews performance objective with faculty and apprise him/her of the weaknesses of those objectives At least one interim meeting, or more often if requested by either party, each five year period to review…revise objectives…
Performance Objectives Performance objectives…1) ensure continuing growth and development…2) offer encouragement to explore new ways of promoting academic excellence and 3) improves…deficiencies Include expectations in: individual, department/unit, college/school, university based activities and/or other collaborative activities The performance objectives should be developed in alignment with department, college/school, and university goals.
Performance Evaluation Timeframe Supervisor assigns a rating and provides to Dean by November 1st Dean reviews, approves and forwards to Provost by November 15th Provost reviews, approves and forward to HR by December 1st
Performance Evaluations Supervisor assigns rating: Meritorious (above); Adequate (within); Inadequate (below) …the supervisor should look for exceptional aspects of performance (either good or poor). If the data do not contain evidence of such, it may be assumed that the person is performing within an acceptable range for his/her position. The basis for the performance evaluation…1) the degree of accomplishment of the faculty member’s individual performance objectives and 2) overall performance in relationship to professional expectations as listed in the faculty member’s job description
Various kinds of data, from sources who are in a position to know of the person’s performance, will be used for making the evaluation…peer ratings, classroom peer observations, supervisor’s ratings… For instructional faculty, student ratings must be considered …split assignment…, each supervisor will make an evaluation
(Not in the handbook) Goals of the post-tenure review should include creating an opportunity for the individual faculty member to develop and grow as a professional strengthening the relationship between the faculty member and at a minimum, his/her supervisor, and if possible his/her colleagues planning for the future reinforcing the faculty member’s role and function as an important and contributing member of the university