Balancing the safety scorecard Tips for effective measurement of safety performance Kent Blackmon BSc., crsp Ryan Orvis crsp, chsc
Session objectives Internal Responsibility System Benefits of measuring safety performance Measuring what’s important What makes measures effective Leading vs. lagging indicators Setting the standard Integrating new metrics and establishing goals Recognizing a Strong Safety Culture
Internal Responsibility System 3
Internal Responsibility System Internal responsibility should be active at a workplace with partnerships in place to ensure a safe workplace which includes: responsibility, cooperation, sharing information, accountability and integrating H&S in to daily production activities. Committees = play a large and important role at a workplace as they are the connection to hear concerns of the larger group. Safety Officers Right to know Duties of Workers Right to Refuse Duties of Managers Right to Participate Duties of Employers Duties of Supervisors OHS Management System
Internal Responsibility System Supervisors = provide leadership in controlling hazards, training, monitoring to ensure compliance on their line and ensure implementation of policies on the floor, inspections, and report unsolvable issues. Employees = follow H&S policies and procedures, report hazards and cooperate with their supervisor. Safety Team = internal auditing, provide leadership, train, implement H&S policies, manage incidents, deal with reported hazards and monitor and enforce safety program. Safety Officers Right to know Duties of Workers Right to Refuse Duties of Managers Right to Participate Duties of Supervisors Duties of Employers OHS Management System
Internal Responsibility System By understanding the “system” we see how each party in the workplace not only has responsibility, but more importantly how they intertwine and support each other. We can also realize the importance of how relationships and communication between parties can determine the drive for a better safety culture and performance.
Relating the Internal Responsibility System to Safety Indicators By understanding the IRS and the difference between Leading & Lagging indicators we can see how they can relate. By following the IRS employers will be accountable to have and monitor a strong OHS management system. All workers will be accountable to follow the safety program, and have the right to know and participate. Everyone will have a voice in the program. This would relate to our leading indicators. Having a strong OHS management system supported by the IRS, theoretically should reduce injury statistics. This would have a positive effect to our lagging indicators.
Why Measure Safety? 8
Why measure safety performance? What gets measured, gets managed Provide an objective basis to determine program effectiveness. Provide information for decision making (management) Forms basis for continual improvement
Plan-do-check-act Establish the standards for health and safety Implement the plan to achieve objective and standards Check Measure progress with plans and compliance with standards Act Take appropriate action to correct any deficiencies
What makes measures effective Reliability The consistency or repeatability of the measurement Validity Relationship between measurement and program Understandability Can you/others explain what they mean? Action-ability Can results be translated into action
Measuring What’s Important 13
Safety Metrics Framework Over the past decade, companies have been looking for better, more pro-active measures of safety performance. Traditional methods of evaluating safety performance have not provided the right information. Traditionally we would look at injury frequency’s
Traditional safety measures Trailing (or lagging) Indicators Results measures that tell what happened. Focus on what went wrong. Include injury statistics and loss reports. Good for accountability but not indicative of best strategies for continuous improvement.
Problems with Lagging Indicators Provides a limited, and often distorted, view of safety performance. Can be a deceptive indicator. Lagging indicators do not explain performance; i.e. they provide insufficient data about what has been done (or not done); how well it was done; and their relationship to outcomes. Possible “polluted" reporting. Can be a motivation killer. They do not provide sufficient process insights to effectively manage health and safety.
“Managing safety only by LTI, is like playing tennis with your eye on the scoreboard and not on the ball” (Bernard Borg, 2002, Predictive Safety from Near Miss and Hazard Reporting)
Leading indicators Measures that can be effective in predicting future safety performance. “Before-The-Fact Measures.” Assess results of actions taken before incidents occur. Help to assess performance “effort” vs. “result’
Leading Indicators -Examples Health & Safety Audits Number (or %) of managers trained in Health & Safety Leadership Number of senior leadership meetings with safety included on the agenda Supervisor safety activities Incident investigations completed within prescribed timeframe Resolution of employee suggestions/Hazard ID Percent of internal inspections conducted as scheduled Number of safe acts, near misses reported or recognized Employee safety perception surveys Wellness program participation
LEADING vs. LAGGING Leading Indicators/Activities Lagging Indicators Reportable Injury Frequency Lost Time Severity Workers Compensation Costs Property Damage Costs Number of work improvement orders POST LOSS / REACTION LOSS CONTAINMENT Leading Indicators/Activities Behavior Based Observations Near Miss Reporting Employee Perception Surveys Supervisor Safety Activities Hazard ID/Analysis Process OHS Audits Contractor EHS Selection PRE LOSS / PREVENTION LOSS CONTROL
Setting the Standard 21
Safety management (SIMPLIFIED) Process Safety Program Safety Culture Hazard Injury Stats Outcome Uncontrolled Hazards Input
The balanced scorecard Vision & Strategy Results Program Culture The balanced scorecard Results Injury Stats Program Training, Inspections, investigations, audits etc. Culture Behaviors, conditions, perceptions
Setting the standard Standards for safety performance measurements should : Be documented Define key safety performance measures Identify minimum acceptable performance Outline how data is to be collected and reported at all levels Strengthen safety program oversight
When to measure? Increase the frequency Decrease the frequency Evidence of non-compliance Required by legislation Activity happens frequently High potential for change Evidence of compliance No legal requirement Non-frequent activity Low potential for change
What is acceptable performance? Setting injury reduction targets – ultimate goal is always zero. Compliance targets – ultimate goal is always 100% Acceptable performance should be defined for all metrics. Question is – are we improving?
Setting safety targets Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timebound
Examples of Safety Targets Who What When Why How Senior Managers Injury Rates Monthly Injury Reduction Team Meetings Safety Committee Inspections Quarterly Legal Compliance Bulletin-boards Supervisors Corrective Actions Weekly Continuous Improvement Committees
How are we doing? Good input but poor output Good input and output Poor input and output Good output but poor input Mar Jan Apr Feb Jun May Jul Aug Sept Oct
BENCHMARKING Ongoing process of measuring one company's safety performance against those recognized as industry leaders. Serves as a measuring stick for the organization by identifying those organizations that are viewed as the best. Comparing ‘apples to apples’ can be challenging (e.g. difference in calculations, organizations)
TIPS FOR MEASURING SAFETY PERFORMANCE Define who, what , when, where, why and how Balance the scorecard – use leading and lagging indicators Set targets and goals that align with the organizations vision Report progress at all organizational levels Don’t forget to celebrate successes along the way
Recognizing a Strong Safety Culture 32
Occupational Health and Safety Cultural Model Draft Occupational Health and Safety Cultural Model
Recognizing a strong safety culture Measuring the right things and strong safety culture does not happen over night, but it can be achieved. We need to focus on the right indicator, and not get caught up on the lagging. We all can lead safety, we all can make a difference.
Questions 35