Are you ready for your initial planning meeting with your supervisor?
Your supervisor will discuss with you exactly how to go about getting your project approved. Work through your initial ideas to get some early feedback.
Make sure you can sell your idea to your supervisor. Practice describing it in one or two sentences so that it sounds succinct and clear. If you are passionate about it, it will encourage you to work in sufficient depth.
Ask yourself some tough questions to make sure you are ready for your initial meeting. You need to make sure it has the potential to gain the highest marks.
Manage20% Identify, design, plan and carry out a project, applying a range of skills, strategies and methods to achieve objectives.
Use resources20% Research, critically select, organise and use information and select and use a range of resources. Analyse data, apply relevantly and demonstrate understanding of any links, connections and complexities of the topic.
Develop and realise40% Select and use a range of skills, including where appropriate new technologies and problem-solving, to take decisions critically and achieve planned outcomes.
Review20% Evaluate all aspects of the extended project, including outcomes in relation to stated objectives and own learning and performance. Select and use a range of communication skills and media to present evidenced project outcomes and conclusions in an appropriate format.
Your task for this week is to complete the initial planning form. Keep an electronic copy Don’t let your supervisor complete the form for you!!!!!!