PDE Phase II Principal Effectiveness 4/12/2017 PDE Phase II Principal Effectiveness Region 9 Welcome to PDE’s Phase II Principal Effectiveness Pilot. Introduce facilitators and have participants introduce themselves by giving name, role, and years of experience in current role. Cristine Wagner-Deitch Dr. Eric Rosendale Region 5
Learning Intentions Participants will… 4/12/2017 Participants will… Understand that principal evaluation is an informative process – not an isolated event. Become familiar with the process and tools associated with Phase II. Utilize the Principal Effectiveness Rubric to create methods and practices that align to district/school efforts toward increased teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Begin to develop a district/school plan which builds capacity around the Principal Effectiveness Rubric. Region 9 Here are our today’s learning intentions: Participants will… Understand that principal evaluation is an informative process – not an isolated event. Become familiar with the process and tools associated with Phase II Utilize the Principal Effectiveness Rubric to create methods and practices that align to district/school efforts toward increased teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Begin to develop a district/school plan which builds capacity around the Principal Effectiveness Rubric. Region 5
Today’s Agenda… Overview and Rationale for the Project 4/12/2017 Today’s Agenda… Overview and Rationale for the Project Establishing a Common Definition of Principal Effectiveness Focus on an Evidence-Based System Differentiation of Evaluative Processes The Role of Principal Growth The Importance of Transparency Systems Planning and Reflection Region 9 Today’s Agenda: Overview and Rationale for the Project Establishing a Common Definition of Principal Effectiveness Focus on an Evidence-Based System Differentiation of Evaluative Processes The Role of Principal Growth Systems Planning and Reflection Region 5
What to Expect This training will be: This training will not be: 4/12/2017 What to Expect This training will be: This training will not be: a chance to reflect on principal effectiveness. a way to make connections between teacher & principal effectiveness frameworks. an opportunity to examine current system based on “best practice.” simply about compliance. a session focused only on how to “fill out the forms.” about providing the “right” answers. Region 9 Region 5
Setting Norms for Our Group 4/12/2017 Setting Norms for Our Group Please… Participate and ask questions. Understand that there are unknowns. Region 9 Region 5
4/12/2017 Training Materials Section 1: Powerpoint Slides Section 2: Training Materials Section 3: Research Documents Section 4: Rubrics Region 9 Walk through materials. Region 5
4/12/2017 Project Goal To develop an educator effectiveness model that will reform the way we evaluate school professionals as well as examine the critical components of training and professional growth. The term “educator” includes teachers, education specialists, and principals. Region 9 “The term “principal” shall include a building principal, an assistant principal, a vice principal or a director of vocational education.” ~HB 1901 Supervisory in nature Growth model Presently, you can see on this slide how the legislation defines the term “principal.” Region 5
Definition of Terms Effectiveness: Supervision: Evaluation: 4/12/2017 Definition of Terms Effectiveness: “Effective principals are those who boost academic achievement for all students, increase the effectiveness of their teaching staffs, and consistently take leadership actions shown to improve outcomes for students” (Reeves, 2010). Supervision: Collegial, focused on growth, ongoing, formative Evaluation: Requires summative judgment, based on evidence Region 9 As we work through the day, it is important if we’re all operating with the same definitions of a few key terms. Effectiveness: “Effective principals are those who boost academic achievement for all students, increase the effectiveness of their teaching staffs, and consistently take leadership actions shown to improve outcomes for students” (Reeves, 2010). Supervision: Collegial, focused on growth, ongoing, formative Evaluation: Requires summative judgment, based on evidence Region 5
Opening Activity: What’s Your System? 4/12/2017 Opening Activity: What’s Your System? TM pg. 2 What is your current principal evaluation process? Use the worksheet to list the steps in your system. organize your list using your school calendar. Reflect: How does your current system advance your district goals and promote principal growth? Region 9 Use the first two columns to list the steps of your current principal evaluation system. Note: we will be referring back to the page several times through out the day so keep it handy. Region 5
Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage Region 9 As we begin today’s training, we’d like to provide some background on the project. Region 5
Educator Effectiveness Overview 4/12/2017 Educator Effectiveness Overview Where we are in 2012-2013 Teacher Effectiveness – Phase III Principal Effectiveness – Phase II Specialist Effectiveness – Phase I Region 9 Anticipated Statewide Implementation Teacher Effectiveness – 2013-2014 Principal Effectiveness – 2014-2015 Specialist Effectiveness – 2014-2015 As we take a look at PDE’s Educator Effectiveness Project, we can see where we are in 2012-2013 and when we can anticipate statewide implementation. Region 5
Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? Effective school leadership has an impact on developing a culture focused on student achievement. However as stated by Douglas Reeves from the Leadership and Learning Center: “Most leadership assessments are infrequent, late, unhelpful and largely a source of administrative bother.” Given the efforts taking place with teacher effectiveness, this becomes an opportune time for Pennsylvania to also develop its first universal instrument for principal effectiveness. Region 9 When we take a look at current evaluation processes, they are not always fair and objective. With all of the headway we’ve made with teacher effectiveness up to this point, it only makes sense for the next logical step to involve principal effectiveness. Region 5
Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? (continued) 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? (continued) As the Commonwealth continues its work with the establishment of universal effectiveness instruments, it is essential that building and system leaders have initial and on-going training to guarantee sustainability and reliability. http://www.wallacefoundation.org/principal-story/executive-video/Pages/default.aspx Region 9 This will be the 1st universal evaluation instrument for principals in Pennsylvania. Sustainability will be addressed through the PIL program for both principals and teachers. Reliability and validity can be a challenge, although we now have the research firm Mathematica working with us to address these issues during the various roll-out phases. Note that we do not have a “Teachscape-like” inter-rater reliability tool; however, much time is being spent developing training and other resources to help in the calibration of various evaluators. Note for facilitators: Show video clip entitled “Leadership Matters” from the Wallace Foundation (beginning to 3:02) *Whole clip is 12:43. Region 5
Our Approach Review of Previous Work 4/12/2017 Our Approach Review of Previous Work Reviewed existing state models from North Carolina, Delaware, Washington, Tennessee, and Colorado Analyzed elements of the various models from the following perspectives: The nine PA School Leadership Standards; Specifically the Core & Corollary Leadership Standards as mandated by Act 45 of 2007 The leader’s role in improving student achievement The desire for measureable and constructive feedback to staff Conducted an extensive review of research linked to principal effectiveness. MET Project RAND Wallace Calder Region 9 Note that we also used the state level principal management scorecard to develop the criteria and outcomes for the evaluation. The Core and Corollary Leadership Standards are tied directly into the PIL Program. Extensive Research There was a dearth of research to guide our work in looking at policies and practices of principals. We are hopeful that this new evaluative tool will lead to greater interactions between superintendents and principals. In turn, this opens the door for ongoing professional development opportunities. Region 5
Our Approach Review of Research 4/12/2017 Our Approach Review of Research Highlights from the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Report: Principals have the greatest indirect impact on student learning. An emphasis is needed for evaluators to be accredited and reaccredited after a set period of time to prevent rater drift. Having multiple observers helps to validate the growth, improvement, and evaluation process. Resource: http://www.metproject.org/reports.php Region 9 Multiple Observers Can be a challenge for smaller districts. MET Study It also discusses the importance of student feedback as an integral measure of teacher effectiveness, which could be part of the 360 feedback loop (inclusive of all stakeholders). Region 5
Our Approach Review of Research (continued) 4/12/2017 Our Approach Review of Research (continued) Highlights from the April 2010 Policy Brief, Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER): More effective principals are able to staff schools with more effective teachers Experience is a predictor of principal effectiveness The principal's job is complex; Effectiveness depends on sense of efficacy on tasks and how time is allocated for tasks Principal evaluations of teachers can offer valuable feedback on teacher performance, as opposed to student test scores alone Resource: http://www.caldercenter.org/publications/calder-policy-brief-8.cfm Region 9 Additional notes from the CALDER report include: Principals play a critical role in retaining teachers. Teachers in schools with more effective principals improve more rapidly than those in schools with less effective principals. Effective principals recruit, retain, and develop high quality teachers. Experience as an assistant principal positively impacts test scores and suspension rates. Region 5
Our Approach Engaging Stakeholders and Expertise 4/12/2017 Our Approach Engaging Stakeholders and Expertise Educational experts from national, state, and locals levels provided reviews of various work throughout the process. On June 18, 2012 Pennsylvania conducted its first statewide stakeholder meeting, which included representation from LEAs of various sizes and locations. Region 9 No additional notes provided. Region 5
Our Approach Incorporating Act 82 of 2012 4/12/2017 Our Approach Incorporating Act 82 of 2012 Within Act 82, new requirements for Educator Effectiveness have been defined for teachers, principals, and education specialists. Within the Act, it defines various categories that need to be addressed within principal evaluation systems: Planning and Preparation School Environment Delivery of Service Professional Development Region 9 The categories provided are within the specific language of the law. Region 5
Principal Effectiveness System 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness System Observation/ Evidence Domains Strategic/ Cultural Leadership Systems Leadership Leadership for Learning Professional and Community Leadership Building Level Data PSSA Achievement PVAAS Growth Graduation Rate Promotion Rate AP Course Participation SAT/PSAT Language within HB 1901 (pages 42 -44) For professional employees and temporary professional employees serving as principals, the following shall apply: Correlation PVAAS Region 9 Elective Data/SLOs District Designed National Tests District Rubrics IEP Growth Projects Portfolios Surveys PDE Standards for Review And Approval Region 5
Principal Effectiveness Instrument Creation of a Framework 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness Instrument Creation of a Framework Combing all the background previously identified, a draft framework was developed that establishes a set of four leadership domains: Domain 1: Strategic/Cultural Leadership Domain 2: Systems Leadership Domain 3: Leadership for Learning Domain 4: Professional and Community Leadership The framework contains specific components (with corresponding descriptors) to be included in each of the four domains. Region 9 After July 1, 2014 Any changes to the instrument have to go through the regulatory review process (IRRC). Region 5
Draft – For Reference Only 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness Instrument: Alignment with Act 82 and PIL Program Forms pg. 14 Draft – For Reference Only Region 9 This is a screen capture of the page within the Principal Effectiveness Instrument that provides a component-level alignment with the Pennsylvania Core and Corollary standards, as well as an alignment with the legislated nomenclature. A copy of this document is located in the “Forms” section of your binder. See Principal Evaluation Rubric Pg. 14 Region 5
4/12/2017 PA CORE Standards The leader … has the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, creating an organizational vision around personalized student success. is grounded in standards-based systems theory and design and is able to transfer that knowledge to his/her job as the architect of standards-based reform in the school. knows how to access and use appropriate data to inform decision-making at all levels of the system. Region 9 If you locate the crosswalk document located in the “Forms” section of your binder, you’ll see that each of the domains of the Principal Effectiveness rubric is aligned to the Principal Inspired Leadership 3 Core and 9 Corollary Standards. Region 5
Corollary Standards The Leader… 4/12/2017 Corollary Standards The Leader… creates a culture of teaching and learning with an emphasis on learning. manages resources for effective results. collaborates, communicates, engages, and empowers others inside and outside of the organization to pursue excellence in learning. operates in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional dignity. advocates for children and public education in the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. supports professional growth of self and others through practice and inquiry. Region 9 If you locate the crosswalk document located in the “Forms” section of your binder, you’ll see that each of the domains of the Principal Effectiveness rubric is aligned to the Principal Inspired Leadership 3 Core and 9 Corollary Standards. Region 5
Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? (continued) 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? (continued) As the Commonwealth continues its work with the establishment of universal effectiveness instruments, it is essential that building and system leaders have initial and on-going training to guarantee sustainability and reliability. Region 9 This will be the 1st universal evaluation instrument for principals in Pennsylvania. Sustainability will be addressed through the PIL program for both principals and teachers. Reliability and validity can be a challenge, although we now have the research firm Mathematica working with us to address these issues during the various roll-out phases. Note that we do not have a “Teachscape-like” inter-rater reliability tool; however, much time is being spent developing training and other resources to help in the calibration of various evaluators. Region 5
Phase II Requirements Both the central office supervisor AND the principal(s) collect and share evidence for 3-5 components on the rubric. One must fall under “Leadership for Learning.” Supervisor submits results of collaborative assessment(s) using levels of performance for the 3-5 components chosen. Supervisor and principal(s) provide feedback on the rubric and the process. Region 9 These are the general requirements for Phase II.
Why Evaluate Principals? Quality Assurance Professional Learning Region 9 There are two purposes for principal evaluation: quality assurance and professional learning. Mostly we focus only on the first one: getting a “grade.” Best practices research focused on the second one: professional learning because most principals’ practices are good. Still, we need to grow since students and teachers can always learn more. The practices we will focus on for Principal Effectiveness are not focused on “jumping through the hoops,” but on how we acknowledge our building leaders’ strengths and help them to continue to grow. How good is “good enough”? How do we know? Who should decide? We need to always seek ways to improve, traditionally have a “low bar.”
5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation 4/12/2017 5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation Common definition Focus on evidence Differentiation of evaluative processes Role of principal in their own growth Transparency Region 9 Explain that today’s training will be structured using these five best practices as a guide. These are the same best practices that we discuss during the teacher effectiveness process. Region 5
5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation 4/12/2017 5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation Common definition Focus on evidence Differentiation of evaluative processes Role of principal in their own growth Transparency Region 9 As a state, we need to define what effective building leadership looks and sounds like. In order to do that, we need to establish a common language (the language of the rubric). AND Like the Teacher Effectiveness model we have a focus on Evidence Region 5
Best Practice #1: Common Definition 4/12/2017 Best Practice #1: Common Definition Start with a common definition of principal effectiveness that is studied, and understood, by all stakeholders. Region 9 Best Practice #1: Start with a common definition of principal effectiveness that is studied, and understood, by all stakeholders. Region 5
Best Practice #2: Evidence Educator Effectiveness 2012-13 Best Practice #2: Evidence Let evidence, not opinion, anchor the process. Region 9 Let evidence, not opinion, anchor the process. Region 5
Characteristics of Principal Effectiveness 4/12/2017 Characteristics of Principal Effectiveness TM pg. 3 What do you view as the five most important characteristics/behaviors of effective principals? Region 9 Begin with building a common definition Region 5
4/12/2017 Group Consensus Compile a list of characteristics and behaviors and indicate top three with most impact on student learning. Region 9 If the group is large: Have participants divide up amongst their tables to go to one of four corners in the room (Corner A, Corner B, etc.) Participants list characteristics and behaviors and prioritize top 3. If the group is smaller: Whole group share. Facilitator charts responses. Whole group selects top 3. Closure: We will return to your lists after we have an opportunity to read some of the research behind PA’s principal effectiveness framework. Region 5
State of the Research: Article Review and Discussion 4/12/2017 State of the Research: Article Review and Discussion Research Guiding Question: How do OUR perceptions of principal effectiveness match with the research literature? State of the Research (Choose One) The Principal as Leader: Guiding Schools to Better Teaching and Learning (Wallace Foundation) First Year Principals in Urban Districts: How Actions and Working Conditions Relate to Outcomes, Summary Document (Rand Corp) Region 9 Direct participants to read the article that best represents their district (e.g., urban districts may want to select the RAND article; suburban districts might select the Wallace article.) Facil Note: There is an executive summary of each article to distribute along with the actual articles. Give participants 10 minutes to read independently. Clarify: RAND Definition of New Principals: Principals (even veteran ones) who are new to a school. Region 5
State of the Research: Article Review and Discussion 4/12/2017 State of the Research: Article Review and Discussion TM Pg. 4 Highlight at least three key ideas that you’d like to discuss at your tables as you read. When everyone is finished, discuss the key points everyone highlighted. Bring your discussion to closure by examining the characteristics on chart paper and discussing the following question: How do OUR perceptions of principal effectiveness compare with the research literature? Region 9 Participants discuss whether the priority characteristics of principal effectiveness that they came up with were referenced in the research. Region 5
Principal Effectiveness Review of Research (continued) 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness Review of Research (continued) Highlights from the Wallace Foundation Report: “The School Principal as Leader” include the following competencies for effective school leaders: Share a vision of academic success for all students Create a climate hospitable to education Cultivate leadership in others Improve instruction Manage people, data, and processes to foster school improvement Resource: http://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/school-leadership/effective-principal-leadership/Documents/The-School-Principal-as-Leader-Guiding-Schools-to-Better-Teaching-and-Learning.pdf Region 9 The Wallace Foundation competencies were instrumental in helping to forge the domain level of the Principal Effectiveness Instrument. Region 5
Principal Effectiveness Review of Research (continued) 4/12/2017 Principal Effectiveness Review of Research (continued) Highlights from the RAND Corporation Report: “First Year Principals in Urban School Districts”: The report provided an analysis of the relationship between first year principals and achievement within urban school districts. Results showed that when a principal leaves, student achievement suffers 2-3 years. Resource: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/technical_reports/2012/RAND_TR1191.pdf Region 9 States and districts considering teacher effectiveness acknowledge the challenge of defining a formula that considers good teachers in highly performing schools moving to poorly performing schools. The same contextual setting concerns also apply to principals. Ideally we would love to have a longitudinal study of a principal’s length of service as related to student achievement. Other questions that would be interesting to consider include the impact of principals completing the requirements of PIL on principal longevity. In both cases funding limitations prohibit the completion of such studies. Region 5
The Domains Strategic/Cultural Leadership Systems Leadership 4/12/2017 The Domains Strategic/Cultural Leadership Systems Leadership Leadership for Learning Professional and Community Leadership Region 9 If we take a look at the characteristics you listed on chart paper around the room, and consider the two studies we just discussed, you can begin to see the connections to the domains of the principal effectiveness rubric. There are 4 domains and 19 components on the principal effectiveness rubric. Optional Activity: Have participants go back and assign one of the four domains to each of the five characteristics they listed on page 2 of their training packet. Region 5
Review: Evidence or Opinion? 4/12/2017 Review: Evidence or Opinion? Principal Jones’ teachers all seem to feel positive about the direction that he is taking them to improve student academic outcomes. Faculty meeting agendas and handouts list safety policies and procedures. Building data teams held regularly scheduled meetings to develop proficiency plans for at-risk students, using specific protocols. Principal Rogers has difficulty with completing evaluation reports within the required timeline. Principal Sally states, “I have involved teachers in planning professional development.” Region 9 Participants are first asked to determine if each of these statements is evidence or opinion. Opinion Evidence Note about #5: Principal Sally is quoted in this example. Scripting is one form of evidence collection, and it affords supervisors with the opportunity to ask for more evidence and/or artifacts to support the statements made. Principal Sally may also be able to provide artifacts supporting her statement: (e.g., Meeting agendas and minutes from Act 48 committee and PD professional learning community indicate teacher involvement in planning professional development.) Region 5
Exploring the Domains Region 9 TM pg. 5 Forms T & P Rubric 4/12/2017 Characteristics Connections to Teacher Effectiveness Evidence of Proficient Evidence of Distinguished Region 9 One person at each table take a domain and complete the chart independently Domains then meet up for comparison session Closure: Groups conduct “Rounds” – Domain Resident Expert Leads the conversation as the groups rotate through the 4 domains discussing the charts. Region 5
PA’s Principal Effectiveness Framework 4/12/2017 PA’s Principal Effectiveness Framework Region 9 The principal effectiveness framework is located on the back cover of your binder. As part of Phase II, you have the opportunity to make adjustments to or develop a system that will facilitate collaboration, assessment based on evidence, and feedback which all promote principal growth. Region 5
How to Make the Process Formative and Informative 4/12/2017 How to Make the Process Formative and Informative TM pg. 2 Refer back to your district evaluation system & discuss: Where does the principal rubric “fit”? How might you enhance your process through evidence collection? What barriers exist, and how might you address them? How can you be sure that your principal has met a goal? Region 9 Region 5
Connecting the Frameworks, Domains, and Components 4/12/2017 Connecting the Frameworks, Domains, and Components Framework for Teaching PA Principal Effectiveness Framework 4 Domains 22 Components Levels of Performance Research-based Focused on professional growth Promotes positive impact on student learning Distinguished extends beyond “self” 4 Domains 19 Components Levels of Performance Design incorporates current research Focused on professional growth Promotes positive impact on student learning Distinguished extends beyond “self” Region 9 Bring connections activity to closure with this slide pointing out additional connections that may not have been previously mentioned. Ask participants to turn to page 7 in their Supervisor Training Materials. Participants should discuss the following prompts on the handout: How and in what way could you harness the effectiveness instruments to improve learning in your school or district? What connections can you make between school improvement initiatives in your context and the instruments? How will knowing the connections help you communicate and lead school improvement efforts? Region 5
5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation 4/12/2017 5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation Common definition Focus on evidence Differentiation of evaluative processes Role of principal growth Transparency Region 9 The same way that we know individual students learn differently from one another, we also know that we can’t use a one size fits all approach with adults. Region 5
Best Practice #3: Differentiation of process 4/12/2017 Best Practice #3: Differentiation of process How do you differentiate the principal evaluation process? by building goals? based on principal’s level of experience? Region 9 In PA’s teacher effectiveness process, PA recommends that novice teachers are observed more often than veteran teachers who have already proven themselves. Also, teachers in a differentiated supervision model can set professional goals based on the rubric and work toward those goals. As we build the principal effectiveness system in PA, we must consider how differentiation can be used for principals. What additional supports do new principals need in a principal effectiveness system? How might districts differentiate the process based on building level data and goals? Region 5
5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation 4/12/2017 5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation Common definition Focus on evidence Differentiation of evaluative processes Role of principal in their own growth Transparency Region 9 When we think about developing state and district principal effectiveness systems, our primary focus is professional growth. Region 5
Best Practice #4: Role of the Principal in Their Own Growth 4/12/2017 Best Practice #4: Role of the Principal in Their Own Growth Who does the thinking? Who does the learning? Region 9 Region 5
Remember the teacher effectiveness process… 4/12/2017 Remember the teacher effectiveness process… TM pg. 6-8 What would the principal effectiveness process look like? Pre-Observation Observation Preparing for Post-Observation conference Post-Conference Collaborative Assessment Walk- through Region 9 Here is the process for teacher effectiveness. From today’s activities, as a table group build the ideal principal effectiveness model. Use the sticky note tablets, markers and chart paper to illustrate your process. Refer to your current process document from the morning, the research documents that you reviewed and your colleagues to complete the task. Region 5
PDE Phase II Process Principal’s self-assessment 4/12/2017 PDE Phase II Process Principal’s self-assessment Together, supervisor and principal choose 3-5 components on the rubric for Phase II Review and embed principal effectiveness framework in current district evaluation process Beginning of Phase II meeting with supervisor and principal to set goals (January 2013) and map out evidence that will be collected and used throughout Phase II to measure effectiveness. Supervisor and principal meet midway to provide feedback, grounding conversation in the principal framework and the evidence collected so far (March 2013). Adjust goals and/or evidence list, if needed. Supervisor and principal meet at EOY (June 2013) to discuss evidence collected and determine levels of performance for selected components. Data submission to PDE (Deadline: June 30, 2013) Region 9 Walk through PDE Phase II process. Region 5
4/12/2017 Principal Growth Use Danielson’s Framework for Teaching process to create a similar process for principals. Suggestions include: Principals use rubrics and highlighters to self-assess their effectiveness. Principals use data to set priorities based on component in the rubric. Both supervisor and principal gather and share supporting evidence. (On-going) Supervisors use highlighted rubrics to identify areas of agreement (based on evidence). Supervisor and principal collaboratively assess the principal’s effectiveness for individual components Region 9 Region 5
Systems Approach to Principal Effectiveness: 4/12/2017 Training Pg. 8 Systems Approach to Principal Effectiveness: How do you link individual principal’s building goals to district goals? What’s the timing of the principal evaluation process given that data should be a valuable part of the goal-setting process? How frequently do you meet with the principal throughout the year to discuss and provide feedback on components of the rubric? Region 9 (Cindy G.) Here are some things to think about in terms timing (considering when data becomes available) and how the release of data can inform your process… Region 5
5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation 4/12/2017 5 “Best Practices” for Principal Evaluation Common definition Focus on evidence Differentiation of evaluative processes Role of principal in their own growth Transparency Region 9 Region 5
Best Practice #5: Transparency 4/12/2017 Best Practice #5: Transparency Principals must learn the rubrics and the process. Region 9 PA’s Principal Effectiveness Framework articulates expectations of building leaders. Principals must have an opportunity to become familiar with the rubric and the process. Region 5
4/12/2017 A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity. ~Dalai Lama Region 9 How will your system incorporate on-going communication and feedback both with and from principals? How will your principal effectiveness system facilitate on-going, two-way communication and feedback? Region 5
District Planning for Phase II and Beyond… 4/12/2017 District Planning for Phase II and Beyond… Region 9 Depending upon time remaining in the day, provide a chunk (20 -30 min.) of planning time for supervisors to continue mapping out their district principal effectiveness systems for Phase II and beyond. Region 5
Reflect on Your Plan Is your process grounded in research? 4/12/2017 Reflect on Your Plan TM pg. 8 Is your process grounded in research? Do principals’ goals align to the principal effectiveness rubric? Is your process collaborative? Does the principal play a leading and active role? Is it evidence-based? What evidence will be acceptable? Who will collect evidence? When will evidence be collected? Region 9 Region 5
Reflect on Your Plan Is the process likely to promote growth? 4/12/2017 Reflect on Your Plan TM pg. 8 Is the process likely to promote growth? Can you expect an impact (direct and indirect) on teacher effectiveness? Student achievement? How will you know? What is the timeline for use and implementation through June 30, 2013? What is your timeline for future years? Region 9 Have participants share key components of their plans with the whole group. Close with video clip “Leadership Matters” from Wallace Foundation: 10:47 – 11:59. http://www.wallacefoundation.org/principal-story/executive-video/Pages/default.aspx Region 5
Learning Intentions Participants will… 4/12/2017 Participants will… Understand that principal evaluation is an informative process – not an isolated event. Become familiar with the process and tools associated with Phase II. Utilize the Principal Effectiveness Rubric to create methods and practices that align to district/school efforts toward increased teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Begin to develop a district/school plan which builds capacity around the Principal Effectiveness Rubric. Region 9 Here are our today’s learning intentions: Participants will… Understand that principal evaluation is an informative process – not an isolated event. Become familiar with the process and tools associated with Phase II Utilize the Principal Effectiveness Rubric to create methods and practices that align to district/school efforts toward increased teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Begin to develop a district/school plan which builds capacity around the Principal Effectiveness Rubric. Region 5
Today’s Training Developed by: Region 9
4/12/2017 Contact Information Cristine Wagner-Deitch 724-774-7800 clw@bviu.org Dr. Eric Rosendale egr@bviu.org Region 9