Joint Final Year Project 20011/12
Joint FYP Project tutor – Martin Paisley Martin is currently away from the university so in the meantime this role is undertaken by: Sarah Easton –
Joint FYP Next academic year you are required to undertake a project. The project is: a major part of your final year equivalent of three modules expected to cover both halves of your award, although this may be a 50:50 split or significantly favour one half a major piece of academic work and gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills in managing a project from inception to completion a core feature of all the Faculty's awards and students cannot normally be awarded a degree without completing a project satisfactorily
Joint FYP The project is made up of the following three modules: Semester 1:Research (CE ) Semester 2: Design (CE ) Semester 2:Implementation (CE ) The following are broad descriptions and will mean different things for different subject areas
Joint FYP The Research module will be completed and assessed in semester 1. You will be assessed on: the research undertaken your interim report detailing your research findings your presentation/demonstration/interview your project management skills including (& more) the project specification grad-ex entry log book keeping to a project plan
Joint FYP The Design & Implementation modules will be assessed at the end of semester 2 by: a presentation/demonstration a final report that includes your research from the interim report - even though that portion of the report will not be re-assessed. conforms to prescribed standards of referencing.
Joint FYP The Design module deals with the selection, justification and application of appropriate methodologies/analysis /design methods. There should be an appropriate amount of analysis specific to the project area. For example: projects with a statistics element could include a stratification for sampling computing based projects may require a database design other projects may require a risk assessment to be undertaken
Joint FYP The Implementation module covers the implementation of the solution of the problem, as specified in the design & analysis phase. The product may need to be tested and evaluated to determine its effectiveness. You should undertake a critical appraisal of the solution and the whole project process. You should also consider possible future developments of the project.
Joint FYP It is difficult to specify the needs in general terms as the needs for each module will differ by subject but a good guide is that: At the end of the research phase you should know what you are going to do At the end of the design phase you should know how you are going to do it At the end of the implementation phase you should have done it
Joint FYP More details are available from the Joint project website – see for link. Please note that the deadline details on the website will change over the summer – the information currently provided is for projects for the year There will also be a meeting during enrolment week about the project.
Joint FYP You need to start thinking about your Final Year Project NOW. You are encouraged to think of your own project Both halves must be covered but no need for 50:50 There is no database of projects available for Joint students to undertake For inspiration, students may wish to look at the lists of titles, awards, and supervisors for projects previously undertaken by joint students available on the website – see for link Also some past titles in other areas are provided
Joint FYP By Friday May 27 th 2011 you need to return to Kath Shenton in the award office the Joint FYP initial proposal form available from the website – see for link. In completing this form you will: identify a title give a brief description for your proposed project suggest possible supervisor(s) and/or supervisory subject area You may wish to consult with members of staff in your area of interest to illicit their views on your proposal.
Joint FYP If you do speak to someone it is recommended that this be someone you think might be suitable for supervising your project but if you don’t know who this might be the following may be useful as a start point: Maths – Pat Lewis Statistics – Emily Raeburn Games Design - Bobbie Fletcher Computing/Software Engineering - Claire Stanier Mechanical Engineering – Neil Packer Robotics Technology - Sam Wane Music Technology – Dave Newman Computer Games Programming – Bob Hobbs Web Design/Multimedia - Fiona Knight Film Production – Peter Hughes
Joint FYP Once the deadline for initial proposal submission has passed an allocation of supervisors will be made on the basis of the submissions made and where possible based on the supervisor/area suggested. If you do not submit a proposal an allocation for a supervisor will be made for you - this may turn out to be a far from ideal allocation when you do finally determine a project title.
Joint FYP If you struggle to come up with a project then at the very least submit an initial proposal form suggesting the area of interest. If you hope to be on placement next year but the placement is not yet confirmed you should submit the proposal by the deadline. If you secure a placement the proposal will then be ignored and you will be contacted again this time next year to complete the process for the following year. If you do not secure a placement and instead find yourself in Level 6 next year you will have a suitable supervisor to support you in your project.
Joint FYP In September you will be able to change your project should you change your mind over the summer. You may be able to swap supervisor BUT this is not guaranteed A change of supervisor will have to be confirmed by the project tutor and is NOT decided by mutual consent of the student and prospective supervisor Your best opportunity for getting a suitable supervisor for your project is to submit the initial proposal on time
Joint FYP You will need to complete a project specification during the first few weeks of Semester 1 of Level 6. This will be a more detailed description of the project to be undertaken. Submission of the specification will follow detailed discussions with your allocated supervisor So be thinking about your project over the summer.
Joint FYP You will sometime during Sem 1 of Level 6 also be allocated an assessor – essentially a 2 nd marker The various aspects of the project are marked by the supervisor and assessor as appropriate
Joint FYP If you have any general questions please do not hesitate to contact me. For subject specific queries please speak to someone in the main focus for your project or both areas if appropriate.
Joint FYP NOTE: You do this process earlier than other awards -Ignore anyone who tells you otherwise (NOT Sept) -You are being advantaged NOT disadvantaged -We need to know your area of interest so that we can have sufficient staff available to you for supervision -The advantage of this to you is that you get an earlier allocation of supervisor and this increases the chance of your preference being met -You can avoid the September “market place” -You can change your mind later but this decreases the chances of you getting your preferred supervisor