Where Did the Paperwork Go ? Presented by: Mary de Laosa Jeanette Drake 03/06/03
Overview This session will assist you in the hiring of new employees for the College.. Provide in-depth explanation and flow of all the paperwork that is needed to process a full- time employee at the College.
Step 1: Hiring Fund 1 Request for opening any new Fund I full-time line requires: (Procedure 2210/Establishment of New Full-Time and Temporary Lines) Initiation and approval by Campus President/District Vice Provost (via an , memo, or P-26). Approval by the College Provost in writing. Documentation will be maintained by the Budget Office.
Step 1: Hiring Fund 2 Step 1: Hiring Fund 2 Temporary Assignment into Temporary Line Must be approved by the College Provost College Provost will provide an approval document All RPA’s for temporary appointments must have an end date that falls within the fiscal year or academic year for faculty. Reminder: Temporary Assignment is a temporary position
Step 2: Send P-26 to HR Step 2: Send P-26 to HR P-26 Arrives
Step 2: P-26 P-26’s requiring the Provost’s Signature All requests for new lines (non- grant positions) All requests for full-time faculty lines Requests for changes from one pay class to another Requests for position classifications of three (3) or more levels
Step 2: P-26 P-26’s that can be IMMEDIATELY processed by Human Resources Request to fill administrative and staff positions with same title and classification level. Request to reclassify position within existing pay class (A1,A2,C2) Request to reclassify positions no more than two (2) grade levels. Request to move position within the same functional area (i.e. one department within academic affairs to another department, etc) Request to fill position specified in funded grants
Step 3: COMPENSATION Step 3: COMPENSATION Compensation verifies information Makes corrections/changes to job description, etc. Consults with department Sends to Budget for Budget/Line & Number Review
Step 4: EMPLOYMENT Employment posts position within the Employment Opportunity Bulletin Communicates with department regarding requested advertising media Standard Advertising (via ) HigherEd.Com HotJobs.com ImDiversity.com CColleges.com TeachersInFlorida.com Printed Media (Miami Herald, etc) Specialty Advertising at the expense of department budget transfer to cover expense
Points to Remember Closing dates are established by your department. To expand the applicant pool for your existing vacancy, you may request to re-post your position. If you have requested to have the position advertised in the media with an advertising closing date, you then may not close this position prior to the published date.
Points to Remember AApplications/resumes are accepted in HR through the close of the business day (4:30pm). YYou must consider all applications received in HR through the closing dates. Allow 5 working days after the closing date for additional applications to reach your area SScreening Committees should not begin the candidate screening process prior to the closing of vacancy
Step 5: After Position is Posted Step 5: After Position is Posted All applications/resumes are forwarded to chairperson 5 days after closing date. All applications/resumes are forwarded to chairperson 5 days after closing date.
Hiring Department Is Responsible Hiring Department Is Responsible For notifying all applicants concerning the status of their application/resume. Screens applications/resumes Conducts interviews Upon conclusion of the search and selection process, the department is responsible for notifying unsuccessful candidates in writing of the completion of the search process
Selection Process Makes recommendation of 3-4 candidates to hiring Supervisor Makes recommendation of 3-4 candidates to hiring Supervisor Supervisor conducts interviews Supervisor conducts interviews Candidate is selected Candidate is selected
Selection Process Continues: Hiring Supervisor Has Selected a Candidate Candidate must complete an application Candidate must complete an application Candidate meets the minimum requirements for the position Candidate meets the minimum requirements for the position All clerical applicants must have completed a clerical skills test All clerical applicants must have completed a clerical skills test Check the application section that asks about immigration status Check the application section that asks about immigration status Check the application section that asks about background information Check the application section that asks about background information
Step 6: Compensation Team Step 6: Compensation Team Re-verifies the availability of the position Re-verifies the availability of the position Checks that candidate meets the minimum requirements Checks that candidate meets the minimum requirements Conducts salary analysis Conducts salary analysis College Provost approves all salary offers College Provost approves all salary offers
Calculation of Salary Offer Calculation of Salary Offer
Step 7: Salary Offer Hiring Supervisor will receive confirmation via e- mail of approved salary offer Hiring Supervisor will receive confirmation via e- mail of approved salary offer Supervisor contacts candidates and extends salary offer Supervisor contacts candidates and extends salary offer
Step 8: Candidate Accepts Offer Step 8: Candidate Accepts Offer Department sends the Compensation Team a complete package along with an RPA. List of documents to be provided.
Step 9: Completed Package Received Checked by Compensation for accuracy. Checked by Compensation for accuracy. Forwarded to Operations for data entry and creation of file Forwarded to Operations for data entry and creation of file
Step 10: Hiring Department Must Complete P-26 2 Step 10: Hiring Department Must Complete P-26 2 The Department must list the following: Contains the alpha list of all names and ss# of all applicants Date of Initial interview Date of Second Interview Statement of the reason for applicant selection or non-selection Statements to avoid: “over-qualified” “selected another applicant” “non-interviewed”
Step 10: Continued Step 10: Continued Statements to use “lacks related work experience” “interviews revealed less than adequate human relations skills” “disciplines concentration in creative writing rather than basic skills” “the applicant was the second choice”
Sample of P-26 2 Sample of P-26 2