©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. BLR’s Safety Training Presentations Ergonomics General Duty Clause §5(a)(1) of the OSH Act
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Goals Ergonomics and MSDs Effective Ergonomics Programs Quiz
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. What Is Ergonomics? Science of fitting jobs to the people who do them Goal is to reduce work- related MSDs when their jobs require repetitive reaching, bending, lifting, using force, working with vibrating equipment, and doing other repetitive motions
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. What Are MSDs? MSDs are injuries and illnesses to: Muscles Nerves Tendons Ligaments Joints Spinal discs
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Common MSDs Carpal tunnel syndrome Tendinitis Trigger finger Raynaud’s phenomenon De Quervain’s disease Rotator cuff tendinitis Carpet layers’ knee Herniated spinal disc Low back pain
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Signs of MSDs Less strength for gripping Less range of motion Loss of muscle function Inability to do everyday tasks
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Common Symptoms of MSDs Painful joints such as wrists, shoulders, forearms, knees Pain, tingling, numbness in hands or feet Shooting pain in arms or legs Swelling, inflammation, burning sensation Fingers or toes turning white Back or neck pain or stiffness
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Report Signs or Symptoms of MSDs Permanent disability may result if not reported early Report signs or symptoms of MSDs to your supervisor or human resources representative Report MSD hazards
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Repetition Same motion over and over puts stress on muscles and tendons How often the movement is repeated Speed of the movement Number of muscles involved Required force
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Forceful Exertions Amount of physical effort required to perform a task Effort needed to control equipment or tools Type of grip Weight of object Body posture Type and duration of the task
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Awkward Postures Reaching Twisting Bending Kneeling Squatting Working overhead Holding fixed positions
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Contact Stress Pressing your body against a hard or sharp edge Puts pressure on nerves, tendons, and blood vessels Allowing your wrists to rest on the keyboard when typing Holding tools with hard handles
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Vibration Sanders Grinders Chippers Routers Drills Saws
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Goals Ergonomics and MSDs Effective Ergonomics Programs Quiz
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Management Leadership and Employee Participation MSD reporting and response system Designate persons with authority and resources to run the program Policies do not discourage employee participation or reporting of MSDs Employees participate in development, implementation, and evaluation of ergonomics program
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Job Hazard Analysis Determine whether MSD hazards exist Implement control measures to reduce the hazards Employee involvement in identification and control is required Training for employees and supervisors in affected jobs
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Control Methods Engineering Controls Work Practice Controls Administrative Controls Use of PPE
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Evaluate Ergonomics Program Employer should make sure the program is effective Ask employees for their opinions Ensure hazards are being addressed Make necessary changes
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Goals Ergonomics and MSDs Effective Ergonomics Programs Quiz
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Summary Recognize MSD signs and symptoms Understand MSD hazards Learn to take steps to control MSD hazards Report MSDs Participate in the Ergonomics Program
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz 1.Name one risk factor that determines if repetition contributed to an MSD: _________________________. 2.Loss of the muscle function is a sign of an MSD.True or False 3.MSDs are injuries to nerves and ___________________. 4.Name a vibrating tool that could contribute to an MSD: _____________________________________________. 5.The preferred control measure in controlling MSDs is the use of PPE.True or False
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz (cont.) 6.Describe a common MSD symptom: ________________. 7.Describe an awkward posture that you may experience while performing your job: _______________________. 8.What does contact stress put pressure on that may result in an MSD? _____________________________________ 9.Employee participation is not needed for an effective ergonomics program.True or False 10.The type of grip is a risk factor to consider when evaluating jobs with forceful exertions. True or False
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz Answers 1.How often motion repeated, speed of movement, number of muscles involved, or required forces 2.True 3.Soft tissue 4.Sander, grinder, chipper, router, drill, saw 5.False. Engineering controls is the preferred control measure
©2002 Business & Legal Reports, Inc. Quiz Answers (cont.) 6.Painful joints, tingling or numbness, shooting pain, swelling, pale fingers, back or neck stiffness 7.Reaching, twisting, bending, kneeling, squatting, working overhead, holding fixed position 8.Nerves, tendons, or blood vessels 9.False; employee participation is essential and fundamental 10.True