Laborers-Employers Cooperation & Education Trust & Laborers-AGC Education & Training Fund
MOLD IS GOLD for: Lawyers Unqualified Contractors Workers Compensation Plaintiffs (ABA Journal, December 2001) =
World Health Organization 30% of all new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be affected with in-door air quality problems Mold can hide in many places in a home.
Case History Delaware, 1999: $1 million verdict Brockovich lawsuit against the builder of her California home Sacramento, CA jury verdict: $18.5 million CA: Ed McMahon sues insurance company for $20 million Rio Vista, CA jury verdict: $13.7 million Martin County, FL: $14 million judgment against construction company Texas: Judge upholds $32 million judgment to Ballard against Farmers.
Minimizing Exposure Identify all possible causes Use accredited experts ; Air quality experts ; Construction contractors Just the facts (no generalization or opinions) Develop a work standard Use qualified contractors with a trained workforce
Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund Joint labor-management funded program Develops and supports construction and environmental training for 425,000 members Over 50 different courses in course catalog Strength of training is hands-on skills training and instructor experience
Environmental Training Hazardous Waste Worker Training Program ; Complies with OSHA ; 80 hours (35 hours of hands-on) ; Supervisor training ; Development and delivery of courses funded by EPA since 1987 ; Over 95,000 trained since program inception
Environmental Training Asbestos Abatement ; Nationally recognized program, training at 44 locations in all 10 EPA regions ; Worker and Supervisor initial and refresher courses ; 50,000 trained since 1989
Environmental Training Lead Abatement (in target housing and child occupied facilities) ; Nationally recognized program, training at 14 locations in 8 of the 10 EPA regions ; Worker and Supervisor initial and refresher courses ; 17,000 trained since 1991
Environmental Training Anthrax Remediation ; Development of course funded through DOL grant ; Peer-reviewed by OSHA, EPA, NIEHS, and experts from the field of anthrax research
Environmental Training Microbial Remediation ; Initial courses in Bio-remediation and Bird and Bat Droppings developed in 1994 ; Current course material reviewed by personnel from EPA, NYCDOH, CDC, OSHA, and NIEHS ; 24 hour course for workers with previous experience in lead or asbestos abatement
Microbial Remediation 24 hour course covers: ; Causes of indoor air pollution ; Health effects ; Work area sampling ; Hazard Communication ; Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ; Work area prep and remediation techniques ; Decontamination ; Hands-on simulations