Status Quo Assessment of Wastewater Ponding Systems
Presentation Road Map… 1.Background 2.Study Methodology 3.Study Findings 4.Why Ponds
Background… Free State Free State Act. sludge, trick. filters, RBCs and Ponds Act. sludge, trick. filters, RBCs and Ponds Complaints relating to the failure and/or poor condition Complaints relating to the failure and/or poor condition Locality and operation – unacceptable and create environmental and health risks Locality and operation – unacceptable and create environmental and health risks Insufficient information wrt operational status & effectiveness of management thereof by WSAs Insufficient information wrt operational status & effectiveness of management thereof by WSAs Circumstances in other parts of SA??? Circumstances in other parts of SA??? ID and understand status of pond systems in SA Develop Practical Guidelines
Study Methodology
Management Meetings… Management questionnaire Management questionnaire Included queries related to: Included queries related to: Effluent source Effluent source Population served (size and status) Population served (size and status) Records of pond system design Records of pond system design Understanding of the status of the pond system Understanding of the status of the pond system Safety aspects (e.g. fence, location, clothing) Safety aspects (e.g. fence, location, clothing) Monitoring Monitoring Staff availability and skills, basic needs met (water) Staff availability and skills, basic needs met (water)
Site Visits… Assessment of pond system using modified/updated questionnaire Assessment of pond system using modified/updated questionnaire Collection of GPS co-ordinates (location) Collection of GPS co-ordinates (location) Photographing the site Photographing the site Number of ponds, shape of ponds, type of ponds and flow patterns Number of ponds, shape of ponds, type of ponds and flow patterns Location relevant to nearest housing Location relevant to nearest housing Capacity – measured either by a measuring tape or the foot method Capacity – measured either by a measuring tape or the foot method Measurement of sludge depth Measurement of sludge depth Maintenance aspects – screenings, grass on linings or within ponds Maintenance aspects – screenings, grass on linings or within ponds Safety aspects – enclosure, vandalism, etc Safety aspects – enclosure, vandalism, etc Origin of effluent – nightsoil: bucket washing, connection Origin of effluent – nightsoil: bucket washing, connection Final effluent – discharged, irrigated, recycled/re-used Final effluent – discharged, irrigated, recycled/re-used Water quality – systems discharging or irrigating Water quality – systems discharging or irrigating
Wastewater Pond System Assessment Tool… WSAs Self Assessment of the Wastewater Pond System WSAs Self Assessment of the Wastewater Pond System Assist in planning (short/medium or long term needs) Identify areas of risks and needs (short/medium or long term needs) Assist in identifying and tracking emergency issues Assist in understanding of required maintenance
Tool Components… General Assessment General Assessment Standardized assessment Standardized assessment Can be completed by range of people with same outcome Can be completed by range of people with same outcome Allows for comparative assessments Allows for comparative assessments Guides proactive intervention Guides proactive intervention Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Looks at Key Areas of Risk Looks at Key Areas of Risk Guides attention to Proactive Intervention (i.e. prevent incidents before they arise) Guides attention to Proactive Intervention (i.e. prevent incidents before they arise) Tool has been modified to make easier to use
Allocation of Weights/Score… WeightConsequences 100 Direct health threat to communities / Direct threat to proper functioning of environment. 50 Environmental impacts i.e. degradation / Operational failure leads to environmental impact / Direct threat to individual or impacts on individual regularly. 20 Aesthetic conditions / Inadequate maintenance leads to aesthetic conditions 10 Medium / Long term sustainability may be affected by this parameter If the issue may/will lead to:
Risk Orientated Weighting… Weighting scores Weighting scores Weighting Score Consequence of the Risk
Wastewater Pond Assessment Tool… Design Maintenance Safety Supervision and Management Water Quality Monitoring Effective & Sustainable Wastewater Pond Systems Operation and Performance
Assessment Categories… 1. Design (lining, depth, etc) 2. Maintenance (screenings removal/handling, housekeeping, etc) 3. Operation and Performance (flow rates, population served, etc) 4. Water Quality Monitoring (parameters, frequency, effluent standards, etc) 5. Supervision and Management (assigning responsibilities, checks, etc) 6. Safety (fencing, “no entry” signs, etc)
Scoring Tool Example… 1. Design (Max Score = ) Yes/No (Score) Weight 1.1 Are the ponds lined/ fully covered 1.2 What kind of lining is used 1.3 Is the anaerobic pond depth within the recommended (recommended 3m for anaerobic) 1.4 Is the oxidation ponds depth within the recommended depth (recommended m for oxidation) 1.5 What are the sizes of ponds (volume) 1.6 What size population is served (estimation) 1.7 Is the population served low/middle or upper class 1.8 Is there a meter at the inlet 1.9 Is there space available for future upgrade
Tool Users… Likely to be completed by: Likely to be completed by: Supervisor Supervisor Superintendent Superintendent Could be completed by Could be completed by process controller BUT may not be able to read/write (can still provide info to supervisor/superintendent) Responsibility ultimately lies with Head of Water/Water Quality Manager or Technical Manager
Study Findings
Design Design Systems well designed Systems well designed Lack of knowledge regarding upgrading options Lack of knowledge regarding upgrading options Operation and Performance Operation and Performance Desludging not done poor performance Desludging not done poor performance Some systems discharging to Some systems discharging to rivers and/or environment Maintenance Maintenance Poor Poor General Findings…
General Findings (cont)… Water Quality Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring No monitoring No monitoring Supervision and Management Supervision and Management No records No records Safety Safety Not well secured, vandalism Not well secured, vandalism Community awareness problematic Community awareness problematic Operator basic need (e.g. drinking water, shelter) and sanitary facilities Operator basic need (e.g. drinking water, shelter) and sanitary facilities
Final Effluent flowing to a dam Sludge layer measurement Animals drowning within ponds Pond near dwellings
Why Ponds?
Discharge to environment
Impact on rivers
Challenges Urbanisation Urbanisation Bucket eradication Bucket eradication More capacity required More capacity required More possible overflow pollution More possible overflow pollution More protection costs More protection costs More management costs More management costs
Remove organic matter and solids Remove organic matter and solids Simple construction with relatively low capital Simple construction with relatively low capital High level of disinfection achievable High level of disinfection achievable Simple process operation – an appropriate technology Simple process operation – an appropriate technology Solar powered aeration/disinfection Solar powered aeration/disinfection Why consider Ponds?
Minimal (or nil) mechanical/electrical equipment Minimal (or nil) mechanical/electrical equipment Minimal labour requirement without requirement for sophisticated technical training Minimal labour requirement without requirement for sophisticated technical training Simple process operation – an appropriate technology Simple process operation – an appropriate technology Why consider Ponds