Transliteration How is it defined?
Recent definitions Transliteration … Works between spoken English and a signed form of English (1980) Works between spoken English and a signed form of English (1980) Is a task that involves the reception of an English message and the changing of that message into another form of either spoken or signed English. (1989) Is a task that involves the reception of an English message and the changing of that message into another form of either spoken or signed English. (1989) Is the process of changing an English text into manually coded English (1995) Is the process of changing an English text into manually coded English (1995)
RID provides certification testing for transliteration but has no official definition; but does have a description of rating criteria for the current performance evaluation. “Perhaps the best that can be said about transliteration is that it is defined discretely in place and time by the individuals who request and use such services.” (Stauffer,Viera 2000)
What would YOU do? As a hearing person you are fortunate to know sign language… As a hearing person you are fortunate to know sign language… Suppose YOU became profoundly deaf this afternoon? Suppose YOU became profoundly deaf this afternoon? What kind of interpreting services would you prefer if:
You are buying your first house and have to put down a lot of money for down payment are unsure what kind of loan you qualify for. You are buying your first house and have to put down a lot of money for down payment are unsure what kind of loan you qualify for. You are being sued for a car accident and need to talk to a lawyer. You are being sued for a car accident and need to talk to a lawyer. You have been accused of wrong doing by your supervisor at work and are being called to a meeting with him and the company president. You have been accused of wrong doing by your supervisor at work and are being called to a meeting with him and the company president.
What kind of interpreting would you request? Discuss in your small group.
What kind of interpreting would you request? Discuss in your small group… You are buying your first house and have to put down a lot of money for down payment are unsure what kind of loan you qualify for. You are buying your first house and have to put down a lot of money for down payment are unsure what kind of loan you qualify for. You are being sued for a car accident and need to talk to a lawyer. You are being sued for a car accident and need to talk to a lawyer. You have been accused of wrong doing by your supervisor at work and are being called to a meeting with him and the company president. You have been accused of wrong doing by your supervisor at work and are being called to a meeting with him and the company president.
Let’s look at an example of the type of signer that might request a transliterator: VIC GALLOWAY Make a copy of this presentation and watch it several times. Write down the differences between the English- based sign language you see and ASL. Write down the similarities of the English-based sign language you see and ASL.