SENIOR INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 2011 “Building leaders for the future” American School Tegucigalpa, Honduras
¿What is the SIP? The Senior Internship Program is an opportunity for Seniors to participate in various types of work and service projects in the local area, during the final three weeks of their senior year. Continues
Each participating student spends these remaining three weeks of school as an intern in an organization that works in the field that student anticipates studying in the university. ¿What is the SIP? (Continued)
When is it? The internship period for school year will begin on: Monday, May 2, 2011 and will end on: Friday, May 20, 2011
Eligibility All seniors in good academic and disciplinary standing, except full I.B. diploma candidates and students who will take more than 4 IB Exams, qualify to participate in the internship program.
General Rules for the Program Payment, salary, or any form of compensation is strictly prohibited.
During internship, students are expected to be engaged in activities that will better educate them about their potential fields of university study and the career they will potentially pursue. General Rules for the Program
They should not be engaged in tasks that are not conducive to this end, nor should they spend their internships in fields that do not require university-level study. Operating a cash register during the entire internship, for example, would neither qualify as an internship assignment.Once the student acquires knowledge, he/she must continue on another task. General Rules for the Program
Serving in an internship with a business or operation of any type that is owned or operated by one’s own immediate or extended family is strictly prohibited. For example, it would not be permitted for a senior wishing to study business in university to serve an internship in his or her family’s local business. A senior wishing to study medicine would not be permitted to serve an internship in his or her parent’s medical office. General Rules for the Program
Interns are required to be present at their internship sites and in the vicinity of their internship supervisors for a minimum of at least seven hours per day (a regular school day). A student may leave his/her post during lunch break only if it is allowed by his / her supervisor and parents. General Rules for the Program
Interns may only be absent from their internships in order to take I.B. exams. All other absences for any reason, to include illness, must be made up. Students taking IB exams must discuss absences ahead of time with both their on- site supervisor and school advisor. General Rules for the Program
Interns must sign an attendance sheet held by their internship supervisor upon arrival and just prior to leaving each day. Attendance sheet must be picked up with the HS Principal’s Secretary two days prior to the internship. Students traveling must discuss their schedule with both their on site supervisor and their school advisor before starting the internship; days missed must be made up by the student. General Rules for the Program
Each intern will have a faculty member assigned as his or her internship faculty advisor, who will guide the student and receive his or her written log and concluding paper. The faculty advisor will also verify one’s participation through frequent communication with one’s onsite internship supervisor and periodic onsite visits. General Rules for the Program
Interns are required to read a pre- approved book of significance regarding their chosen field of internship. The contents and conclusions of this book will be addressed in the final internship paper. General Rules for the Program
Interns are required to maintain an extensive log of their daily activities, which will become the basis of a final paper that will be presented to internship faculty adviser at the conclusion of the program. General Rules for the Program
The specific requirements of this paper will be sent by to each participant, before the internship by the IB Coordinator / Assistant Principal. Nevertheless, the basic content of this paper will explain the student’s original university and career goals, describe the internship experience, provide a summary of the content and his or her reactions to the book or books read, and conclude with how the internship experience has affected his or her university and career goals General Rules for the Program
SIP TIPS Students need not wear their school uniform unless so required by their onsite supervisor. All SIP students must wear their AST student ID. Be courteous and grateful with everyone. You are the AST Ambassadors. Make the best out of your internship, “it’s a once in a lifetime experience!”