New Policies 1
Telecommuting Telecommuting is a voluntary work alternative that is appropriate for some employees and some jobs but not all employees and all positions. No university employee is entitled to or guaranteed the opportunity to telecommute. Telecommuting decisions are made on a case-by- basis taking into consideration the suitability of the position, an evaluation of the likelihood of the employee succeeding in a telecommuting arrangement, and an evaluation of the supervisor’s ability to manage remote workers. 2
Telecommuting Eligibility The employee has no active formal disciplinary actions on file for the current or immediately preceding review period; The employee has a demonstrated ability to work productively on his/her own and is self-motivated and flexible; The telecommuting arrangement will not impact service quality or university operations; The position can be structured to be performed independently of others with minimal need for support and little face-to-face interaction; and Performance can be measured by quantitative or qualitative results- oriented standards, not time spent doing the job. 3
Telecommuting Agreement Employees must enter into a telecommuting agreement Agreement is for a defined period; it is not indefinite. 4
Emergency Leave Policy Closings – essential employees 1.Essential operational and administrative employees will be credited with administrative leave for the total # of hours the college was closed, in accordance with their work schedule 2.Non-exempt employees who work will also receive additional compensation 3.Exempt employees will receive compensatory leave 4.Essential employees who do not report to work are not eligible for administrative leave 5.Employees on pre-approved leave will not have time charged to their leave balances 5
Emergency Leave Policy Closings – non-essential employees 1.Non essential operational and professional employees will be granted administrative leave 2.Non essential hourly employees do not receive administrative leave 3.Non-exempt employees must work and/or be in a paid leave status on the last workday before and the first workday after an emergency closing to be eligible for administrative leave 4.Non-essential employees whose scheduled day off falls on a day when their work area is closed will not receive administrative leave 6
Exit Clearance Process It is the policy of the College that an employee, who terminates his or her employment with the College, will return all property, pay all fees and fines, and/or complete all assignments due the College prior to departure. Upon initial employment, each employee completes a Payroll Deduction Authorization form to indicate agreement with this policy. The employee will verify that all obligations have been met by completing a Clearance Form. 7
Final Paycheck If the clearance form is not completed prior to the last day of employment, the final paycheck and/or leave check will be a manual check. The employee will need to pick up the check from the bursar’s office and return any property or satisfy any outstanding obligations. 8
Exit Interview Human Resources will begin conducting exit interviews of departing employees. Factors impacting departure Training Supervision Benefits Working Conditions/Climate Hours and Compensation 9