Coffee Mug Design Project Design Concepts year 1 Bridget O’Connor
B a c k g r o u n d I n f o r m a t I o n Each student in the Design Concepts class was asked to create either a water bottle, coffee mug or tea pot. Once we have completed the steps and reached the final project we were asked to create a presentation about the design.
R e s e a r c h Each student researched the product that they chose to help them create a design. When I researched coffee mugs, most of the designs were very similar.
I d e a t i o n s Ideation is the beginning step for the design process. After doing research I decided that I didn’t want my design to look like most of the others that I found.
P r o d u c t D e v e l o p m e n t After choosing one of the designs from the previous page, I enhanced the design. I wanted the mug to be very organic looking. The middle of the mug is wide enough for your hand to wrap around, while the bottom is small enough to put into a cup holder.
P r o d u c t D e v e l o p m e n t After the final design was chosen, the next step was to figure out its dimensions. This is helpful in building the model using Rhino. Rhino is a program that you create three dimensional models in.
W o r k I n g I n R h i n o When working in Rhino, you use 4 different views to accomplish the correct dimensions and get the correct shape of the object.