Cantlie’s lineRt LobeLt Lobe
The Right LobeThe Left Lobe VIII V IV IV III II VII VI I
Falciform ligament Fissure of ligamentu m teres Fissure of Ligamentum venosum Ligamentum teres Rt. lobe Lt. lobe
Superior surface: Related to the diaphragm
Anterior surface Xiphoid process Diaphragm Ant. abdominal wall
Right lateral surface Rt. Lung &pleura ribs Diaphragm
Inferior surface: Esophagus Stomach Duodenum Lesser omentum Transverse colon Gall bladder Rt. colic flexure Rt. kidney
Peritoneal Coverings: Bare area of the liver Fossa for gall bladder Groove for IVC Porta hepatis
Falciform lig. Coronary ligaments Rt. triangular lig. Lesser omentum Lt. triangular lig.
Portal v. 70% Hepatic a. 30%
Hepatic veins IVC
Apex of the heartXiphisternum.5th rib MCL 7th rib MAL 9th rib Upper Border
Lower Border 5th intercostal space 8th costal cartilage Rt 9th costal cartilage Midway between xiphisternum & umbilicus
Rt. Border
Pyriform in shape ml 8x12x3cm
Cut section
Fundus Body Neck
Cystic artery Rt. hepatic artery
cystic vein Portal vein
cystic LNs
duodenum Rt. hepatic ductLt. hepatic duct Common hepatic ductCystic duct Common bile duct
Anterior: Free border of lesser omentum Caudate process 1 st part of duodenum IVC
Caudate process 1 st part of duodenum IVC PV CBD Hepatic artery