1 Neurological and Cervical Spine Injuries Pakistan ICITAP
2 Learning Objectives Know the different types of spinal injuries Know the signs and symptoms of spinal injuries Know how to treat a suspected spinal injury Be familiar with signs and symptoms of head injuries
3 Introduction As Police Officers, you will be exposed to neurological and cervical spine injuries resulting from accidents, combat and blast injuries The victims of these injuries must be treated at a medical facility as soon as possible A knowledge of first aid can often mean the difference between life and death
4 Types of Spinal Injuries Compression Distraction (pulling apart) Lateral bending Flexion, rotation, extension
5 Spinal Injury Signs and Symptoms: Pain and tenderness Deformity of spine upon palpation Numbness, weakness, or tingling in extremities
6 Spinal Injury Signs and Symptoms: Pain upon movement (Never move or allow a patient to move in order to elicit a pain response) Loss of sensation or paralysis below level of injury
7 Spinal Injury Signs and Symptoms: Impaired breathing “C-3, -4, -5 keep the diaphragm alive”
8 Spinal Injury Complications of spinal injury: May cause paralysis May affect respiratory effort
9 9 Normal SpineInjured spine
10 Spinal Injury Initial Assessment: Instruct the patient not to move Stabilize cervical spine during initial assessment Evaluate mechanism of injury
11 Spinal Injury Questions to ask: What happened? Where does it hurt? Does your neck or back hurt? Can you move your hands and feet? Can you feel me touching your fingers and/or toes?
12 Spinal Injury Maintain in-line stabilization Care for airway with in-line stabilization when possible
13 Spinal Injuries Emergency Care Steps Assess pulse, movement, and sensation in extremities Assess the neck and spine
14 Spinal Injury Emergency Care Steps Apply properly sized cervical spine immobilization device Apply and secure patient to appropriate immobilization device
15 Kneel at patient’s head Cervical Collar Application الركالرك
16 Stabilize the head and neck Cervical Collar Application
17 Maintain stabilization Cervical Collar Application
18 Slide back of collar under patient’s neck Cervical Collar Application
19 Secure collar Cervical Collar Application
20 Maintain manual stabilization Cervical Collar Application
21 Long Spine Boards Stabilize head, neck, torso, pelvis, and extremities May be applied in: Lying, standing, and sitting positions
22 Maintain stabilization, apply collar Long Spine Boards
23 Prepare and position device Long Spine Boards
24 Move patient onto board and apply padding to voids Long Spine Boards
25 Secure the body Then secure the head Long Spine Boards
26 Reassess Pulse, Movement, Sense Long Spine Boards
27 Rapid Extrication Indications: Unsafe scene – under hostile fire Unstable patient condition
28 Questions?
29 Class Practical Exercise Practice some of the skills shared in this presentation