1 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre APPLIANCE CHECKS COMPETENCE STATEMENT 312
2 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre AIM To enable the individual to assist in checking the operational readiness of an appliance OBJECTIVES 1)Conduct and record an inventory check of an appliance (utilising the Asset Management System) 2)Confirm that equipment is stowed correctly and safely 3)Describe the appropriate action to correct any deficiency/defects 4)Recognise the hazards of loose equipment on an appliance 5)Conduct simple checks of equipment to ensure it will operate 6)Re-stow an appliance correctly after operational use. 7)Identify the correct location of equipment
3 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre WHY DO WE NEED TO CHECK APPLIANCES? To ensure the operational readiness of all equipment on the appliance : - 1)To check it is there (any deficiencies recorded on asset management system report to line manager 2)To check it is stowed correctly (safely secured in retaining device) 3)To visually check for obvious defects and cleanliness (any defects report to line manager and record on asset management system where necessary) 4)Legal requirement (Road Traffic Act) It also reminds personnel where little used items of equipment are stowed
4 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre All inventory checks should be carried out utilising the Asset Management Recording System INVENTORY CHECKS
5 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre WHO CHECKS WHAT? Driver :-responsible for driver daily check including fuel, oil, water, lights, water tank level, LPP, generator and RI kit, Lockers and ladder security BA Wearers :- General checks on all sets ECO :-Check 1)BA board 2)Tallies 3)Tabard 4)Guidelines
6 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre EXAMPLES OF ADDITIONAL ATTENTION REQUIRED Extinguishers Check gauge LPP light Operate Petrol can Check contents Collecting heads Operate clack valves or mushroom valves, check seal, check free movement of locking collar Low level strainer Check for blocked grill, check washer, check free movement of locking collar Standpipe Check flat washer, check feather edged washer, check quick release coupling
7 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre QUESTIONS 1)Why do we need to check appliances? To ensure the operational effectiveness of all equipment on the appliance: a) To check it is there; b) To check it is stowed correctly; c) To check it works satisfactorily; d) Legal requirement (Road Traffic Act) 2)What should you do if you find an item is missing? If it is missing REPLACE IT. If it can’t be replaced REPORT IT 3)What additional attention is required for the following items? :- a)collecting head; b) low level strainer; c) standpipe a) Operate clack valves or mushroom valves, check seal, check free movement of locking collar; b) Check for blocked grill, check washer, check free movement of locking collar; c) Check flat washer, check feather edged washer, check quick release coupling
8 Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Centre a)BA Board b)Tallies c)Tabard d)Guidelines 5)What is the driver responsible for checking? Responsible for driver daily check including fuel, oil, water, lights, water tank level, LPP, generator and RI kit, Lockers and ladder security 4)What should the ECO check? QUESTIONS cont’d