1 Economic History Medieval Era (500 – 1400 AD) Feudalism -- Western Europe Second Agricultural Revolution ( AD) Stirrup Horse Collar
6 Modern Horse Collar
7 Economic History Medieval Era (500 – 1400 AD) Feudalism -- Western Europe Second Agricultural Revolution ( AD) Stirrup Horse Collar Horse Power Vertical Plow
10 Economic History Medieval Era (500 – 1400 AD) Feudalism -- Western Europe Second Agricultural Revolution ( AD) Stirrup Horse Collar Horse Power Vertical Plow 3 Field Crop Rotation
11 Wheat - Year 1 Fallow - Year 2 Fallow - Year 1 Wheat - Year 2 Field one 300 acresField two 300 acres Wheat - year 1 Legume- year 2 Fallow – year 3 Legume-year 1 Fallow - year 2 Wheat - year 3 Fallow - year 1 Wheat - year 2 Legume - year 3 Field one 200 acres Field two 200 acres Field Three 200 acres Two Field Crop Rotation Three Field Crop Rotation
12 Two field rotation Plowing (300 x 2) = 900 Acres Crop300 Acres Ratio 300/900 =.33 Three field rotation Plowing (200 x 2) = 800 Acres Crop 400 Acres Ratio 400/800 =.50 How much new land can be brought into production with same amount of work? A. 100 acres B. 50 acres 75 acres C. 75 acres
13 Accumulation--Economic Surplus How is it used?
14 Cities - cathedrals