Session 6: Career Mobility and Labor Market Analysis Karl Ulrich Mayer Life Course Research: Theoretical Issues, Empirical Applications and Methodological Problems Sociological Methodology Workshop Series, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan September 20-24, 2004
Outline Definition of Class Categories Life Courses in the Transformation of East Germany (Mayer 2000) Discrete-time logit models on career mobility in the first and second periods (odds ratios) Job-Shift Patterns in the Federal Republic of Germany (Carroll/Mayer 1986 ASR) Returns to Skills: Vocational Training in Germany (Pollmann-Schult/Mayer 2004) Spouses‘ Employment Careers in (West) Germany (Blossfeld/Drobnic/Rohwer 2001)
Definition of Class Categories Class Categories GDR (12’89)Class Categories FRG (12’89-3’96) 1ManagersManagers, Civil Servants (upper and high grade) 2Professionals 3Middle White-Collar, Manual Supervisors Middle White-Collar, Civil Servants (middle grade), Manual Supervisors, Self- employed 0-9 Empl., Farmers – 10ha 4Lower White-CollarLower White-Collar, Civil Servants (lower grade) 5Self-employedSelf-employed 10+ Empl., Farmers 10+ ha 6Skilled Workers, Foremen, Co-operative Farmers Skilled Workers, Foremen, Co-operative Farmers 7Un- and Semi-skilled Workers 8Unemployed, Retraining 9Non-employedElsewise Non-employed 10Pensioners