Your Source for News and Information on Environmentally Responsible Products and Services in the Corrections Industry
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Generate Revenue/Savings Provide Green Collar Institutional Jobs/Training Impact the Environment Positively Enhancing the Institutions Positive Perception in the Community
Sustainable practices are cost effective and generate savings and/or revenue by virtue of their implementation
Sustainable practices provide opportunities for meaningful work assignments for offenders and ideally provide training for green collar jobs as part of a holistic approach to release preparation. It is our belief that correctional industries can play a major part in this effort
Sustainable practices by their very nature will improve the environment in the facility, thus making the institution a better neighbor to the community in which it resides
1.Lighting & Energy 2.HVAC 3.Plug In Appliances 4.Motors & Pumps 5.Materials, Recycling, Purchasing, Procurement, Food & Waste Disposal: Zero Waste? 6. Water 7. Human Capital Seven Steps to Sustainable Corrections
The picture to the right shows two prisoners on the lower level leaving one of the cells under the new plasma lights.
High illumination with reduced fixture quantity translates to an estimated annual savings of $3, for this building. Estimated life expectancy of the high pressure sodium lamp = 18,000 hours. The plasma lamp is expected to have a life of 50,000 hours.
Base Cost $1,362, Savings $440, $821, $850,157.00
1,266,600 lbs of trash diverted from landfills (633.3 tons) $17,386 cost savings from waste disposal $42,916 Revenue generated from recycle sales 73 Offender jobs created 22 institutions (4 did not participate)
Generate Revenue/Savings Provide Green Collar Institutional Jobs/Training Impact the Environment Positively Enhancing the Institutions Positive Perception in the Community
Wabash Valley Correctional Facility Solar Thermal Installation
Solar Thermal Heat is NOT electricity (Photovoltaic, or PV). Produced from solar Ultra Violet (UV) rays. UV rays are present on cloudy days – that’s how you can get sunburned when its cloudy outside. UV rays are present as soon as the sun rises.
Correctional installations typically pay for themselves in 3 – 6 years.
Controlle r The system “Brain”. Set target temperature and flow rate. Data logger to measure BTU production. Contains small ¼ hp. paddle pump to circulate fluid – the ONLY moving part in the system.
December, 2012 – month with the least available daylight. 200-bed Facility – Saved 43% on natural gas for the month! Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the entire facility by 6,015 Metric Tons / Year. Instituted an offender installation training program to reduce recidivism. Partnered with Prison Industries to build our collector frames. Payback in under 5 years.
15 Panel Array, 8-Month Data. December, 2012 – July, % Average Monthly Savings! Payback in under 3.5 years!
More Information – Booth #14 Charlie Slavik: (317) , Don Crawmer: (260) , THANKS!