Training Tools
Intention Behind Tools Remember that in the wrong hands ANY tool can become a weapon! Regardless of your choice, you need to have the proper intent. If unsure about any tool, get instruction or guidance BEFORE you implement No tool should cause pain to or harm your animal
Simple Leash Flexi Leash Choke Chain Harnesses Halti/Gentle Leader Muzzle Electronic Collar Prong Collar Bark Collar Citronella Collar Noise Makers Spray Bottles
The Simple Leash Keeps dog from running away Needs to be used correctly More effective when placed high on dog’s head Dog should walk next to, or behind you!
Flexi Leash Originally designed for tracking purposes Defeats purpose of pack mentality Dog can accomplish same “reading newspaper” with a regular leash May cause harm to dog/human/others!
The Choke Chain Name gives negative connotation NOT designed to choke or even momentarily stop air supply! Designed to send message of correction through a split-second pull to the side. Gives dog message to “wake-up” and pay attention to handler!
Chains in general Bigger doesn’t mean better Even “bully” breeds can be managed with small chains if their owner is Alpha! (Interesting fact: dogs with large necks and lean bodies are poor fighters!) Heavy chains cause head and neck problems Should not be used to secure an animal in a yard (This is cruel and can lead to aggression problems) A dog chained in a yard becomes frustrated and is 3x more likely to bite a person than one left loose in an enclosed space.
Harnesses Invented for tracking and pulling purposes Not created for control! Great for dogs with breathing problems Dogs without proper leash training can instinctively become pullers in a harness Can actually make a muscular dog stronger!
The Halti/Gentle Leader Works best on long-nosed dogs Can be uncomfortable/traumatic Designed to tighten around muzzle and initiate relaxation response from dog Dogs can use front paws to remove “Julie” tucked head and didn’t allow control
Muzzles Not a natural feeling for the dog Created to prevent biting another person/dog Should be used short-term Natural instinct is to fight a muzzle Make introduction as pleasant as possible (first introduction should be when animal is relaxed and has been exercised thoroughly) NOT thirsty or overheated!!!
The Prong Collar Negative connotation when called “pinch” Designed to simulate “bite” of mother dog When used correctly, can be VERY effective Not necessary for obedient dog Should NOT be left on as permanent collar Now come with plastic “teeth” or protective covers to prevent injury to dog
The Electronic Collar May save your pet’s life if used correctly Always set at lowest setting noticed by the dog Doesn’t actually shock, simply unnatural feeling Should NEVER cause pain to dog May jump or be startled by sensation NOT designed for permanent use Proper results = collar on dog 10h/d x 3m Keep remote with you at all times to avoid falling into wrong hands
Bark Collars Remember an obsessive barker is usually a dog not given proper exercise! Get a collar that uses more than a microphone. These may correct when it’s not the dog barking! Do not leave on the dog when you’re not home. Modern collars are vibration sensitive, and are much more effective
Citronella Collars May be more effective for obsessive barkers Encourage dog to stop barking and breathe to eliminate unpleasant odor. Can be replaced by “dummy” collar once correction has been established. Temporary measure, not for long-term use “Bentley” was a citronella “junky” Consistency is vital. Dog may realize when collar is not present
Noise-making Devices Not very effective Must be very clever as dogs’ hearing is very keen NEVER use to make contact with dog. Dog will learn to fear/bite hand holding newspaper and eventually all hands. Can backfire on you and dog associates bad noise with you instead of inappropriate behavior.
Spray/Squirt Bottles Only about 40% effective Not 100% safe. (strong stream can cause eye/ear problems) Not natural to dogs May associate you with bottle and become afraid Can also be misinterpreted as play!