LESSON 5: BASIC ANIMAL CARE Veterinary Science Unit – Kennel Assistant Training Mr. Dieckhoff
Male Reproductive Tract
Female Reproductive Tract
Canine Reproduction Dogs hit puberty in 6-12 months Seasonal Polyestrus (in heat for 9 days) Gestational period is about 2 months (56-70 days) Large dogs average 6-12 puppies per litter Small dogs average 1-6 puppies per litter Newborns must have colostrum “A crying puppy is either a cold puppy or a hungry puppy” Orphaned pups 1 cup milk, 1 tsp salad oil, 2 egg yolks, 1 drop infant vitamins Feed 15% of body weight divided into 4-6 meals Wean at 6 weeks Should eat 4 times per day Remove dewclaws Crop ears of boxers
The First Year Chew Toys Crate Training Eyes open at 2 weeks Baby teeth Start coming in 2-4 weeks All present at 2 months Adult teeth Start coming in a 4 months All present by 7 months Puppy Kindergarten Best between 3-6 months Spay (female) or neuter (male) Best between 6-7 months Use E-collar (Elizabethan Collar) to prevent licking/biting
General Cat Care Reach puberty at 4-12 months Toms Queen – reach puberty quicker Seasonally polyestrous (long day breeders) Cats have a 2 month gestation (61-63 days) Average litter is 3-6 kittens Take 1 hour to 1.5 days Must lick to stimulate kitten activity Orphaned kittens Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) ½ cup milk, 1 egg yolk, 1 drop infant vitamins, 2 tums (calcium) Eyes and ears opened by days Wean between 4-6 weeks old Continuously brush long haired cats and use feline laxatives to prevent hairballs
#1 What is the approximate gestation period for a dog? A) 20 days B) 180 days C) 63 days D) None of the above
#2 Larger female dogs typically have… A) Smaller litters with larger puppies B) Larger litters with 6-12 puppies C) Larger litters with 2-3 puppies D) None of the above
#3 A newly weaned puppy is normally fed…. A) 2 meals a day B) 4 meals a day C) 10 meals a day D) 1 meal a day
#4 When do baby teeth normally erupt in puppies? A) 6-8 weeks B) weeks C) 2-4 weeks D) 1-2 weeks
#5 What is the blood vessel that runs through a dog and cat’s nail called? A) Vein B) Quick C) Artery D) Nail vessel
#6 What is a preventive step that can help control hairballs in cats? A) Regular brushing B) Use feline laxatives C) Do not feed canned cat food D) A and B are correct
#7 What part of a dog’s foot is commonly removed when young? A) First toe B) Quick C) Dewclaw D) Smallest toe
#8 The proper name for an E-collar is a….. A) Eileen collar B) Elizabethan collar C) Expresso collar D) None of the above
#9 Which reproductive organ in a male dog produces the milky substance added to sperm to create semen? A) Testicles B) Epididymis C) Prostate Gland D) Retractor muscle
#10 At what age will a puppy open their eyes? A) 1 day B) 1 week C) 2 weeks D) 3 weeks
#11 What is the first milk produced from a mother, rich in antibodies? A) Milk replacer B) Colostrum C) Lactation D) Milk fever
#12 Female cats are ____________________ and male cats are ________________________. A) spayed; neutered B) neutered; spayed C) castrated; spayed D) spayed; ostricized
Answers 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A