National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Presented by Georgia Football Officials Association (GFOA) July 28, 2014 Points of Emphasis Football Rules Changes
2014 NFHS Football Rules Points of Emphasis High School Football – State of the Game Risk Minimization Targeting Defenseless Player Concussions Changing the Mindset
2013 NFHS Football Rules Points of Emphasis Contact To and With the Helmet Reconditioning and Recertification of Football Equipment Free Blocking Zone Enforcement – Consistent enforcement of Blocking Below the Waist
2012 NFHS Football Rules Points of Emphasis Concussions, Contact to and with the Helmet, Helmet Technology and Proper Helmet Fitting Heat Acclimatization and Preventing Heat Illnesses Hurdling Illegal Blocking Below the Waist Illegal Shifts Involving the Quarterback Improper Uniforms
2011 NFHS Football Rules Points of Emphasis Concussions Contact Both To and With the Helmet Helmet Technology and Proper Helmet Fitting
NFHS Rule Changes for 2014 REVISED Game officials authority (1-1-7) Illegal kick clarified (2-24-9) End-of-Period Procedure changed (3-3-3, 4) Roughing the Passer Fouls (9-4-4)
NFHS Rule Changes for 2014 (con’t.) NEW Targeting Definition and Foul (2-20-2; 9-4-3m) Definition of Defenseless Player ( ; 9-4-3i(3)) Provisions to Free-kick Formations (6-1-3b,c) Clarification of Creating a New Force (8-5-1b)
NFHS Rule Changes for 2013 REVISED Solid-colored towels now legal Use of communication devices expanded Definition of a catch clarified Loss of helmet after down clarified Pass interference penalties revised Score on a try clarified Blocking on free kicks revised
NFHS Rule Changes for 2013 (con’t.) NEW Kick-catching interference penalty added Initiating contact with a helmet-less opponent is an illegal personal contact foul Players continuing to play without a helmet is illegal participation
NFHS Rule Changes for 2012 REVISED Blocking-Below-the-Waist rules revised Definition of a Catch revised Player Required to be Removed if Helmet Comes off During the Down Illegal Personal Contact Penalty has been revised Horse Collar Rule has been modified Gloves must meet NOCSAE Test Standard starting in 2013
NFHS Rule Changes for 2012 (con’t.) NEW Restrictions Removed for Corporate Advertising and Markings on the Field of Play Play Cards Must be Worn on the Wrist Restrictions Added to Blocking on Free Kicks
Free Blocking Zone What is it? Who is affected? What is allowed? How long does it last?
Blocking Below the Waist By the Offense By the Defense By the Kicking Team By the Receiving Team (All are 15-yard penalties)
Official’s Philosophy Infractions vs. Penalties Some type of infraction occurs on every play Catch the “whales” and let the “minnows” go Point of attack / Influencing outcome of play Advantage / Disadvantage Safety of players
GFOA Contacts Keith Hammond(404) Gordon Dickerson(404)