55-W ORD S HORT S TORY Yes…just 55 words.
HOW DO I WRITE A FIFTY-FIVE WORD STORY? Must have: At least one character At least one quote (“dialogue”) A setting A plot-twist What is a plot-twist? When a story has an unexpected turn or ending.
STEP ONE: F IND YOUR IDEA. What do you want to write about? What interests you? Do you want to write something scary, funny, absurd? Is it a memory? Is it a legend?
STEP TWO: D ECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH THAT IDEA. What plot-twist do you want to use? What are you trying to tell the reader? What is the trick up your sleeve?
STEP THREE: W RITE A SHORT STORY AND START TAKING OUT THE UNIMPORTANT WORDS OR DRAW A PLOT LINE TO HELP YOU VISUALIZE YOUR STORY. G ET CREATIVE WITH YOUR WORDS ! This can help you explore different ways of saying the same old thing. It can help you see where your story is going and whether or not it will work.
Too long: I was really scared as I walked into the dark cave. It was cold and wet. (16) Shortened: Terrified, I entered the cave…cold, wet…gruesome. (8) Too long: It was such a good day. I had just had my first kiss. (13) Shortened: Yipee! My first kiss! (4)
STEP FOUR: T ELL YOUR IDEA TO A FRIEND. Sometimes it helps to express our idea aloud. It can help us think of solutions, twists, etc. that we might have not thought about before. Also, a friend can give you more ideas and broaden your range of possibilities.
WHAT DOES NOT COUNT AS A WORD? the title (pick a title carefully) punctuation words connected with a hyphen count as one word (example: dot-matrix)
E XAMPLE SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.
H OW MANY WORDS ARE IN THIS STORY ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.
W HAT IS THE PLOT ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.
A RE THERE ANY CHARACTERS ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.
I S THERE DIALOGUE OR QUOTES ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.
W HERE IS THE SETTING ? SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.
W HAT IS A PLOT - TWIST AND DOES THIS STORY HAVE ONE ? W HEN A STORY HAS AN UNEXPECTED TURN OR ENDING. SALEM “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” The words fall on a stone-eyed crowd. The hangman pulls the lever. Finally free of witchery, the crowd erupts. Gathering my black cloak around me to hide my white collar, I slip into the woods to meet my master; the Bible burning my fingertips.