Presentation Overview The Curriculum Timetable Uniform Healthy Eating Home & School communication/ Absences Questions from parents
Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Communication and Language. Mathematics. Understanding of the World. Physical Development. Expressive Art and Design. Literacy.
Storylines and Actions Learning the /s/ sound Action: Weave your hand like a snake, making an ‘s’ shape, saying ssssss
8.00am School begins am Registration am Focus Activities am Snack Time / Outdoor Play am Focus Activities am Playtime / Snack Time pm Focus Activities Activities
Girls White short-sleeved shirt with collar Navy blue skirt or dress Black school shoes (no laces) White ankle socks or tights Hair tied back, if shoulder length or longer No jewellery Boys White short-sleeved shirt with collar Navy blue shorts or trousers (with elasticated waist) Black school shoes (no laces) Black or navy blue socks Stores for Buying Uniform Amani Stores Souq Nabina Babyshop Zak’s Uniform Shop Mothercare Marks and Spencer BHS
PE Kit White, short sleeved polo shirt Navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms White socks White sports shoes
The school promotes a healthy eating policy It is important that you provide healthy foods for your children, for example raw vegetables, fruit and a small sandwich.
Examples of healthy snacks
Home School Message Book Home School Message Book o Goes home every day (except Wednesdays) o Please sign every time you read a message from us o Sometimes there will be no comment from us o Write your messages to us in this book o Send it in the book bag everyday
Should you wish to make an appointment to see your class teacher, please contact the school office on A convenient time will be arranged after school between 1.15 – 2.15 pm.
construction activity with Popoids
sand play with a focus for learning about the colour red
children enjoying water play
malleable play using small tools
collage creative activity.
mark making using pens and whiteboardsboards.
using play dough in counting activities
sorting shapes and recognising colours.
dressing up and role play in the home corner
children working together to make a large floor puzzle.
Any questions?.
We hope your child has a happy and busy time in Nursery this year.