Career Development: Key Theories DWS Council of Councils October 12, 2006 Dawn Kay-Stevenson Utah State Office of Education
Donald Super’s Definitions Career: a course of events that constitute a life Career Awareness: developing an inventory on one’s knowledge, values and preferences Career Development: the process of building the inventory of one’s own knowledge, values and preferences Career Decision Making: process of choice, entry, and adjustment related to one’s career
Circumscription and Compromise Masculine Feminine High PrestigeLow Prestige
Barriers in Career Awareness, Exploration and Choice Faced by Special Populations (Including, but Not Limited to, Ethnic Minorities) Factors that cause one to be different from the general population Factors that cause one to be different within one’s own social group Factors involving family responsibilities Linda Gottfredson
In Utah – Where we are, Where we need to be... 7 th Grade CTE Course Comp Guidance Program 8 th grade SEOP SEOP – High School to College and Careers DWS and Higher Education Partners Work-based learning activities Post-secondary advisement DWS career counseling Exploration, Information, Planning, Execute
Components of Career Counseling Factors in Career Decision Making Parents, counselors, teachers Effectiveness of Career Guidance Utah study
Planting the Seeds Junior High and High School... to College and Careers --- through Pathways --- Mary Shumway, State Director Career and Technical Education
The News No Child Left Behind Achievement Gap Increase Academic Graduation Requirements Drop Out Rate Employability/Soft Skills College entrance, persistence, completion Difficulty finding qualified workers Economic Development Education Funding (public and higher ed)
Direction for Students
Career Guidance and Pathways...Address Issues
Closing the Gap Intention and Completion 80% of seniors – college intention 50% enroll 34% complete a post secondary degree (of which approximately 25% obtain a bachelors or higher) Where are 66% of the students?
Closing the Gap: Job Requirements 20-25% bachelors or higher 60-65% technical skills - CTE “Gold Collar Jobs” 15% are unskilled
Closing the Gap: Job Outlook & Education Eighteen of the 20 fastest growing occupations within the next decade will require Career and Technical Education. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Closing the Gap: College and Career Ready 35% of students are college-ready. 75% of the top 50 fastest-growing jobs require education beyond high school. Even one year of post secondary education increases lifetime earnings by as much as 15 percent per year.
High Schools That Work (SREB) Provide all student access to the same rigorous academic core. Enroll in challenging courses Set goals beyond high school Provide mentors Provide extra help needed to meet course standards
High Schools That Work (SREB) Provide all students with access to either an academic or career/technical concentration Career/technical focus: at least four courses in a planned career sequence.
Pathways Vision and Objective: To ensure that every student has the opportunity to develop the academic knowledge, technical skills, and employment skills vital for entry into the evolving labor market. Establish a seamless education system with college and career pathways which provide a “one system” approach for student success.
Goals of Utah’s Pathways Initiative: Maximize opportunities for students Increase student awareness & planning Ease student transitions high school to college high school to career and college to career 3 R’s – Rigor Relevance Relationships
How Goals Will be Accomplished: Build on Utah’s Existing Programs Comprehensive Guidance College Tech Prep Program and Articulation web site Articulation Maps in All Regions Training/Awareness of Secondary & Postsecondary Counselors Instructors Administrators Local boards Parents Partnerships with DWS, Business and Industry Public Relations Efforts
What are the opportunities ahead?
Focus on Students
Opportunities for Students Why should I take this class? should I take another class in this area? should I plan? should I study and take school seriously?
Opportunities for Students How do I take advantage of the few electives that I have? do I get labor market information? do I make a lot of $ ? do I make $ while in college?
Opportunities for Students What are the components of a plan? concurrent courses can I take? do I want to be doing in 10 years?
Anticipated Outcomes PATHWAYS
Students Have a pathway that they can modify to meet their needs
Parents/Guardians Have a well-defined plan to help students achieve goals
Counselors Have templates they can modify to fit course offerings at their schools/ instutions
High School Teachers Help students see the connection between what happens in the classroom and their future goals
Colleges Increase enrollments in programs Students motivated and directed Articulated programs with high schools
Business and Industry Business and industry will benefit from well prepared employees who enter the workforce
High School to College and Career Pathways
Decisions with Directions: The Importance of Career Counseling Now What?