KINGDOM? Purple Tube Sponge ANIMALIA
PHYLUM? PORIFERA “Porifera” means? “Pore- bearer”
Two basic sponge types? Encrusting
Two basic sponge types? Free-standing
Barrel Sponge How Large Can Porifera Grow? Up to 200 cm Can They Move? No, they are Sessile
Characteristics? - 5,000 to 10,000 (depending on source) - Multicellular - Marine (100 Fresh H 2 O) # Species? Habitat? Histology?
Characteristics? Do Sponges have True Tissues? - No Why not? - Cells can regroup into a multi-cellular single “organism” after being pushed through a sieve. True tissues can’t do this.
Characteristics? - Heterotrophic What type of Energy Source? - Filter feeder Feeding Method?
Characteristics?... a Dorsal surface? Morphology – does a sponge have... Dorsal
Characteristics?... a Ventral surface? Morphology – does a sponge have... Dorsal Ventral
Characteristics?... a Anterior surface? Morphology – does a sponge have... Dorsal Ventral Anterior
Characteristics?... a Posterior surface? Morphology – does a sponge have... Dorsal Ventral Anterior Posterior
Characteristics? - Bilateral? What type of SYMMETRY in a sponge? In this animal?
Characteristics? - Radial? What type of SYMMETRY in a sponge? In this animal?
Characteristics? What type of SYMMETRY in a sponge? In this animal? - Spherical?
Characteristics? - Yes! If they had no symmetry at all they would be... What type of SYMMETRY in a sponge? - Is there another type of symmetry? Asymmetrical Like a… Sponge!
Characteristics? Sponge Cell Type? (pick from main 2 types) Yes, four kinds… - Eukaryotic Any Specialized Cells? 1 Pinacocytes 2 Porocytes 3 Choanocytes 4 Amoebocytes = Epidermal cells = Pore cells = Collar cells = Delivery cells
Amoebocyte engulfing food particle passed to it by a Choanocyte (not visible) Sponge Amoebocytes do not CAPTURE passing food. What is the yellow cell doing?
Primary role of the Amoebocyte is to move through the jelly layer to act as the “delivery cell” by taking nutrient molecules to the other cell types.
Jelly / Gel Layer (orange) - home of Amoebocytes and Spicules
Copyright Jonathan Bird. For educational use only. (Choanocytes) Jelly / Gel Layer - home of Amoebocytes Note spelling
This is a “l.s.” slide… (means?) This is a “w.m.” slide (means?) (longitudinal section) (whole mount)
This is a “c.s.” slide… (means?) What is this central opening at the top called? The Osculum (cross section)
Tube Sponge taking in dye through its many side Ostia and then expelling it through its top Osculum Copyright Jonathan Bird. For educational use only. Filter Feeders What do you see here?
How do sponges reproduce? 1 Asexually by… - Budding And by?
How do sponges reproduce? 1 Asexually by… - Budding - Gemmules Amoebocytes © BIODIDAC – used with permission And by?
All Sponge Cells Can Change From One Cell Type To Any Other. A cell is said to be if it has this ability. totipotent Like the Amoebocytes in a Gemmule.
How do sponges reproduce? 2 SexuallyBut how do you tell a male from a female? 1 Asexually by… - Budding They are... - Gemmules
Most sponges are hermaphroditic. Some play the male role. Some play the female role. Copyright Jonathan Bird. For educational use only. Barrel Sponge releasing sperm cells. What do you see here?
Most sponges are hermaphroditic. Some play the male role. Some play the female role. Copyright Jonathan Bird. For educational use only. The Amoebocytes What MAKES the sperm?
Most sponges are hermaphroditic. Some play the male role. Some play the female role. Copyright Jonathan Bird. For educational use only. The Amoebocytes What MAKES the egg cells?
Flagella © BIODIDAC – used with permission What tiny structures do you see here?
© BIODIDAC – used with permission What type of organism is this? After fertilization, the parent sponge releases free- swimming planktonic larvae.
© BIODIDAC – used with permission Larvae If they can avoid getting eaten the larvae will eventually land & become sessile new sponges.
How are sponges Classified? What Are The 2 Skeleton Types? 1 Spicules By their internal skeleton Type?
How are sponges Classified? What Are The 2 Skeleton Types? 1 Spicules And the other type? By their internal skeleton Type? 2 Spongin
How are sponges Classified? What Are The 3 Skeleton Compositions? 1 Spicules 2 Spicules 3 Spongin By their internal skeleton - CaCO 3 - SiO 2 - Protein Type Composition (Calcareous) (Siliceous) (Proteinaceous)
Where do they fit in the Linnaean System? What Are The Three Sponge Classes? 1 Class Calcarea 2 Class Hexactinellida 3 Class Demospongiae They are grouped into Classes. CaCO 3 spicules SiO 2 spicules Spongin (best answer) (a few do have SiO 2 Spicules embedded in spongin)
How do sponges protect themselves? - By the production of some 4000 different chemical compounds. Many of which are toxic &/or smell bad. - By the production of the decidedly “chewy” or “chrunchy” spongin and spicules skeletons. And...
OK, but what do they LOOK like?
Sponge Bob says... “Let’s find out. See you in LAB!”