Boring Head Kaizen Project By: Tyson Meeks Christopher Tockey
Storage, Purpose and Tips Cabinet #7 Bottom Drawer in gray box Purpose Boring heads are used to create large diameter holes when tolerances do not allow for a drill bit or do not have a large enough drill bit/reamer. Can also be used to enlarge holes, or adjust hole centerlines in certain instances. Storage Cabinet #7, bottom drawer labeled “Boring Head” Tips Adjustments for cutting depth are on diameter basis For smooth finish remove.002” on final pass Use cutting oil to cool and lubricate tool Safety Be sure all set screws are tight before operation Be sure boring bar has clearance to fit into hole when boring Remove Allen wrench before turning mill on Double check mill speed before operation Tool Sources MSC Industrial Supply Big Kaiser Precision Tooling Inc.
Operation 1. Install head into mill 2. Install boring bar and tighten set screw 3. Loosen lock screw and adjust boring bar to hole edge 4.Dial for a cut (0.005” to 0.030”), tighten lock using small end to prevent over torque 5. Adjust mill speed for hole size and material 6. Engage worm feed on mill and turn mill on 7. Push or pull Knob 3 to engage worm feed in rev (knob has 3 positions in-FWD, middle-neutral, and out-REV) 8. Bring quill to material (reduces amount of time to wait for feed) 9. Pull handle out to engage power feed 10. When at desired depth push handle back to disengage feed, then turn off mill 11. Remove head from hole (backing off tool from side) 12. Repeat above until hole is desired size 13. Remove bar from head. Clean and replace in box 14. Remove head from mill. Clean and replace in box 15. Make sure Allen wrench is in box and put in cabinet 16. Disengage worm gear when done Adjustment screw Knob 3 Handle Boring Head Boring Bar Set Screw Lock Use Allen wrench as shown to prevent over-tightening lock screw