Biomass - Air Quality Commercial/Institutional Biomass Boilers (fuels-for-schools) July, 2008 meeting follow-up Small Boiler Area Source MACT Woodstove NSPS NSPS revision timeframe ‘Affected facilities’ Work Group recommendations
Commercial/Institutional Biomass Boilers WESTAR, NESCAUM, EPA, FLM meeting, July, 2008 Discussion of interests ● Air quality ● Biomass utilization Discussion of draft work group products ● Estimating Emissions and Exposure ● Control Technology/Siting Criteria ● Mitigation Approaches to Minimize Risk ● Messaging Small Boiler Area Source Rule, July, 2009 Control Technology Paper, March, 2009 NESCAUM Model Rule, April, 2009
Small Boiler Area Source Rule Court-ordered area source rule for small institutional and commercial boilers Proposal - July 15, 2009 Promulgation - July 15, 2010 MACT levels per Section 112(c)(6) Will likely require stringent air toxics emission limits for new sources based on high efficiency boiler and fabric filter combinations Existing source limits to be determined Note: The definition of “waste” versus “fuel” is still to be decided. If “waste” includes woody biomass, then those boilers will be subject to stringent Section 129 rules [already promulgated].
Wood Stove NSPS Review Request April 29, 2008 WESTAR/NESCAUM joint letter to EPA requesting: “review and revision of the current residential wood heater/ indoor wood stove NSPS to capture the broader suite of RWD (residential wood heating devices)” “fireplaces, masonry heaters, pellet stoves, and indoor and outdoor wood boilers, furnaces…we urge EPA to develop standards…”
Wood Heater NSPS Timeline Wood Stove NSPS – 1988 Wood Stove NSPS Review FY09 Stakeholder meetings Wood Stove NSPS Revision Proposal – FY10 [tighten emission level, close loopholes, add pellet stoves] Wood Stove NSPS Revision Promulgation FY11
Other Appliance Timelines? OWHH Voluntary Program Phase 1 level –started January 2007; ends March 31, 2010 Phase 2 level –started October 2008 NSPS proposal FY11 IH [hot air furnaces] Voluntary Program – September 2009? NSPS proposal FY11 Low-mass Fireplace voluntary program – Phase 1 and Phase 2 concurrently starting March 2009 NSPS proposal FY11 Masonry Fireplace Voluntary Program – Schedule tbd NSPS proposal FY11 Masonry Heater Voluntary Program – Schedule tbd NSPS proposal FY11
Work Group Recommendations Tighten Standards for Catalytic, Non-Catalytic and Pellet appliances Remove exemptions (i.e. expand applicability) Allow voluntary standards to produce ‘Best Demonstrated Technology’ Timely NSPS Regulation of boilers, furnaces, and fireplaces
WESTAR State Participants Rachel Sakata, Oregon Rod Tinnemore, Julie Oliver, Washington John Coefield, Eric Merchant, Deb Wolfe, Montana Michael Harris, Colorado