TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR HIGH LIGHTS More Acceleration More Punch More Response when opening and closing throttle More High-End Speed Less Vibrations More Power to the Wheel
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Automatic Transmission How it Works Dual Pulley system Transmission Belt Centrifuge force moves the pulley to allow the belt to change its position
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Automatic Transmission How it Works Low speed
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Automatic Transmission How it Works High speed
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR How it Works Original versus J.COSTA
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Advantadges and Features ADVANTAGES Simple construction The design of the bell and the way the gliding rollers slide over it, increase the range of “gears” Shorter first “gear” at low rpm (better acceleration) Longer sixth “gear” when the variator is fully opened (closed pulley) The power at the wheel is increased at any speed, especially in the range of low to medium speed, allowing greater accelerations. This happens because we are able to make the engine work closer to its maximum torque range
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Advantadges and Features With the traditional variator you can hear the typical ringing of the rollers hitting the bell With Transversal Variator the engine becomes smoother and less noisy The absence internal friction in the Transversal Variator provides a better touch and a faster response in front of the traditional one There is no contact between the bell and the body of the variator. This enable the pulley to react instantaneously, when opening or closing the throttle In the traditional variator, the movement of the bell is mechanically guided so friction is greater and so is the response of the system
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Advantadges and Features J.COSTA variator is the only system in the market that increases performances in the whole rpm range With the traditional system if you want better acceleration you need to reduce the weight of the roller. This way you always need high rpm to start moving and you lose high-end speed With J.COSTA you will always have better acceleration with no dependence on the way you open the throttle With J.COSTA you never will lose high-end speed
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Advantadges and Features J.COSTA Variator closed Traditional Variator closed
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Advantadges and Features J.COSTA Variator opened Traditional Variator opened
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Construction features Machined CNC aluminium Stainless Steel Bells Bronze bushings with graphith inserts (to lubricate the slider without grease) High-Tech Plastic Gliding Rollers
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Very Important Recomendations Never Apply grease to the slider, remove all the grease present in the crank shaft and slider before assembling the J.Costa Variator The nut of the crank shaft must be tightened at the recommended Torque, always using a dynamometric wrench, never a pneumatic one With Piaggio Leader 125/150 engines, you must change the original belt to a 200cc one, with double toothing With Honda 125/150 engines you must assemble the belt of the injection model You must always use the original belt
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Very Important Recomendations Always use the original rear pulley, spring and clutch The ever-changing engine designs may cause an incompatibility issue for J.COSTA Variators If you find a slider with the kit, it will replace the original one. If not, you will use the original slider If you find a washer with the kit, it must be installed between the bell and the crank shaft
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Very Important Recomendations Yamaha T-Max: Before untightening the variator nut, you must remove the cover. Then untighten the nut, remove the original variator and install the J.Costa Variator. Put the spacer and lock the variator using the Yamaha tool, so you can tighten the nut to 160Nm. Assemble the cover again
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Very Important Recomendations When do we need to change the gliding rollers? In a traditional variator we will need to change the rollers when they are not round anymore When using a J.COSTA variator, gliding rollers need a small period of adaptation during which they suffer some wearing. This wearing is absolutely normal. We won’t need to change the gliding rollers until the rider feels that the engine works at higher rpm and at lower punch The average durability for a T-Max and Big Megascooters vary from 15.000 to 20.000 km (every belt change), and for small Megascooters from 6.000 to 10.000 km. But it always depends on the way the rider uses the vehicle
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Very Important Recomendations Some units of the carburetor Yamaha T-Max have a slider which is 71,5mm long, instead of 72,5mm long. In that case you must install a 1mm washer. (we have a kit for that) between the slider and the bell, when using injection belt between the bell and the spacer, when using carburetion belt
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Potencial Market The continuous growing market for scooters and automatic vehicles give us very nice potential options for nice business It is an exclusive product, nobody else can produce or sell it Only one set-up for each model It is a legal way to increase the vehicle performances. As we are not changing the engine performances we don’t need to Homologate the new performances High capacity to be the first. We are able to develop a complete new variator for any new vehicle in a couple of weeks and place it in the market in a month
TRANSVERSAL VARIATOR Any other question? Thank you