Shop training Band saw Drill press Tapping holes Belt sander Gluing plexiglass Soldering Projects
Welcome to the Physics Shop! Wear eye protection when using power tools. Vacuum up plastic, wood chips immediately after you finish your work.
Band saw Adjust blade guard height On/Off Speed contol
Adjust blade guard height Never move fingers into the blade. Use scrap wood to guide work
Speeds differ for wood and metal (you shouldn’t have to change this today) Speed adjust lever must be changed while blade is in motion
Drill press Adjust table height On/Off switch Table adjust
Install drill bitTighten chuck with key
Generally a good practice to place scrap wood under piece you are drilling Return check key to holder
Tapping holes (cutting threads for screws) Tap set For 8-32 (size 8, 32 threads per inch) screw, look up correct tap drill size
Insert tap into wrenchTighten
Gently insert into appropriate hole Gently turn to cut threads. Back up a quarter turn every few turns to break plastic chips.
Belt sander Sander is handy for rounding off sharp corners and edges On/Off switch
Careful: pushing plastic into sander can sometimes melt it. Go slowly.
Gluing plexiglass Use methyl chloride. Handle with care: it is a carcinogen Place a drop on plexiglass
Press pieces together Plastic will be bonded within minutes
Tinning soldering tip keeps the tip from oxidizing when iron is not in use. Apply solder. solder
When ready for use, wipe excess solder from tip. Tip should be shiny, which is good for conducting heat.
Tin surface 1. It must be clean and dry. Tin surface 2 in the same way. Then attach and apply iron to the joint. A good solder joint should appear shiny. Solder
Project1 …to make this robot armStart from this… This hole should be drilled and tapped for and 8-32 screw
Project2 Start from wire and two resistors… … to make this network of 2 resistors.
Project3 You will get a piece of plastic and a set of instructions. Mark the plastic, and cut out the pieces.