Essentials of Fire Fighting, 5th Edition Chapter 13 — Fire Hose Firefighter II
Chapter 13 Lesson Goal After completing this lesson, the student shall be able to use various hose appliances and tools, prepare a test site for service testing, and service test fire hose following the policies and procedures set forth by the authority having jurisdiction. Firefighter II
Specific Objectives 1. Describe the characteristics of hose appliances and tools. 2. Explain service testing fire hose. 3. Discuss test site preparation for service testing fire hose. (Continued) Firefighter II
Specific Objectives 4. List equipment necessary to service test fire hose. 5. Explain the service test procedure. 6. Service test fire hose. (Skill Sheet 13-II-1) Firefighter II
Hose Appliances Any piece of hardware used with fire hose to deliver water (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Appliances Valves Control flow of water in hoselines, at hydrants, at pumpers Ball valves Gate valves Butterfly valves Clapper valves (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Appliances Valve devices Allow number of hoselines operating on fire ground to be increased/decreased Wye appliances Siamese appliances Water thief appliances Large-diameter hose appliances Hydrant valves (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Appliances Fittings Connect hose of different diameters, thread types Adapter Reducer Elbow Hose cap Hose plug (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Appliances Intake strainers Devices attached to drafting end of hard intake to keep debris from entering fire pump Guidelines for use Firefighter II
Hose Tools Hose roller Prevents damage to hose that can occur when dragged over sharp corners such as roof edges, windowsills Consists of metal frame with two or more rollers Can be used for protecting rope from similar edges (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Tools Hose jacket Can be installed on ruptured section of hoseline to temporarily close rupture Consists of hinged two-piece metal cylinder Made in two sizes Encloses hose so can operate at full power Can be used to connect mismatched hose (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Tools Hose clamp Can be used to stop flow of water in hoseline Three types — Screw-down, press-down, hydraulic press Can injure firefighters/damage hose Several general rules for use (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Tools Spanner Used to tighten/loosen couplings May have other built-in features (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Tools Hydrant wrench Used to remove caps from hydrant outlets, open hydrant valves Equipped with pentagonal opening fitting most standard hydrant operating nuts May be equipped with spanner (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Tools Rubber mallet — Strike lugs to tighten/loosen couplings Hose bridge/ramp Help prevent damage to hose Should be used where hose laid across street Can be positioned over small spills Can be used as chafing blocks (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Tools Chafing blocks Used to protect fire hose where subjected to rubbing from vibrations Useful where intake hose comes in contact with pavement May be wood, leather, old truck tires (Continued) Firefighter II
Hose Tools Hose strap, hose rope, hose chain Used to carry, pull fire hose Provide more secure means to handle pressurized hose when applying water Firefighter II
Acceptance Testing Hose Performed by manufacturer before hose shipped Relatively rigorous Subjects hose to pressures much higher than anticipated in field Should not be attempted by fire department personnel Firefighter II
Service Testing Hose Performed periodically to ensure hose still capable of performing as required Should be performed according to NFPA® 1962 guidelines May be done by private contractors/fire department personnel (Continued) Firefighter II
Service Testing Hose Should be done after being repaired, after being run over by vehicle Before testing, examine for Excessive wear/damage to jacket Coupling damage Missing gaskets Firefighter II
Preparing Site for Service Testing Hose should be tested in paved or grassy area or level ground Site should be protected from vehicular traffic If nighttime, area should be well lit (Continued) Firefighter II
Preparing Site for Service Testing Test area should be smooth, free from rock, debris Slight grade to facilitate draining of water helpful Water source should be sufficient for filling hose Firefighter II
Equipment Needed to Service Test Hose Hose testing machine, portable pump, fire department pumper equipped with gauges certified as accurate Hose test gate valve Means of recording hose numbers, test results (Continued) Firefighter II
Equipment Needed to Service Test Hose Tags/other means to identify sections that fail Nozzles with shutoff valves Means of marking each length with year of test Firefighter II
Service Test Procedure Exercise care when working with hose Use specially designed hose test gate valve to prevent hose rupture (Continued) Firefighter II
Service Test Procedure When using fire department pumper, connect hose to discharges on side of apparatus opposite pump panel Close all valves slowly to prevent water hammer Test lengths of hose should not exceed 300 feet (100 m) (Continued) Firefighter II
Service Test Procedure Laying large-diameter hose flat on ground before charging helps prevent unnecessary wear at edges Stand away from discharge valve connection when charging (Continued) Firefighter II
Service Test Procedure Keep hose testing area as dry as possible when filling, discharging air from hose During testing, this air aids in detecting minor leaks around couplings Firefighter II
Summary To fight fires safely and effectively, firefighters must know the capabilities and limitations of the various types of fire hose and the various kinds of hose appliances that will be used on the fireground. (Continued) Firefighter II
Summary Firefighters must also know how to maintain and test fire hose. Firefighter II
Review Questions 1. What are the following valves used for: ball valves, gate valves, butterfly valves, and clapper valves? 2. What are wye appliances and siamese appliances? 3. What is a hose clamp used for? (Continued) Firefighter II
Review Questions 4. What are the two types of tests for fire hose? 5. What equipment is needed to service test hose? Firefighter II