Questions? Introductions And now... le français: Hellos and goodbyes How are you? What’s your name? How old are you?
A tout à l’heure. See you later
*Add merci at the end to say thank you!
How are you? Extra and using vous Question Comment vas-tu? Comment allez-vous? How are you? Tu vas bien? Vous allez bien? Are you good? Answer Je vais bien, merci. I’m good thanks. Je vais très bien, merci. I’m very good thanks. Add Et vous? to ask And you?
What’s your name? Question Comment t’appelles-tu? Tu t’appelles comment? Using vous: Comment vous appelez-vous? Answer Je m’appelle.... my name is....or you can say Je suis..... which means = I am... Add Et toi? to ask And you? Or Et vous?
How old are you? Question Quel age as-tu? Tu as quel age? Answer J’ai.... ans ( I am.... years old ) 7 - sept 10 – dix 8 - huit11 - onze 9 - neuf12 - douze Remember Et toi? (And you?)
So what do we know? We have covered so far… Saying hello and goodbye Saying your name/who you are Asking how someone is/replying how you are feeling Asking someone’s age/saying how old you are Using vous So... can we have a conversation?