Budo for Peace Traditional Martial Arts: A conduit for behavioral change and cross-cultural acceptance Presented by: Danny Hakim, BFP Founder ICSSPE Conference: September 15, 2011
About Danny Hakim Martial Arts: 6 th degree black belt in karate Australian National Karate Team in five World Championships Japanese National Karate Team; European Championships Coach of Israeli Karate Team Student of Kancho Kanazawa Publication: “Budo’s Potential for Peace: Breaking Down Barriers in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict” Founded: World Education Program Budo for Peace Budokan Martial Arts &Fitness Program Producer: Shadya – Winner of International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam. PBS Educational Film Series. Education: MA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Swinburne University
Budo is the Japanese word for martial arts Its literal translation is: “The way to prevent conflict.” Karate – 50 million practitioners Taekwondo – 70 million practitioners Judo – 2 nd most popular sport worldwide
From Inner-being to external harmony “The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit. Your spirit is the true shield.” - Morihei Ueshiba (Founder of Aikido) Meditation- inner harmony, awareness Budo values –pursuit of excellence Gain self-control and responsibility Achieve respect & harmony with others
Code of conduct. “The ultimate aim of the art of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants” – Gichin Funakoshi (Father of Modern Karate) Demands responsible behavior. Hierarchy of seniority and skill represented by color belts Built-in mentor system. Uniforms promote equality and modesty
As a foreign culture, martial arts is a bridge between different cultures Rituals Budo philosophy Dojo as a sanctuary Asian language and concepts Traditional Martial Arts
Philosophy While practicing budo, students learn correct manners, refine technical skills and develop the mind and body toward becoming a virtuous human being. By applying what they’ve learned in training, BFP students learn to convert conflicts (both internal and external) into harmonious coexistence. The focus is less on goals of technical skills or winning competition and more on understanding the true ideals of budo and cherishing its traditions
From enemies to opponents to partners Shiai means competition; literally testing each other.” Individuals compete to mutually develop their skills, not defeat one another. Partner - works with you, not against you. Opponent - tries to make himself and his technique better - at your expense. Opponent and partner are the same. Both are equally necessary to improve. “Bowing is an expression of gratitude and respect. In effect, you are thanking your opponent for giving you the opportunity to improve your technique” - Jigoro Kano (Founder of Judo)
Budo for Peace Using martial arts as a mediator between cultures in the Middle East since 2004.
Mission Statement Our mission is to bring youth from conflict areas together to participate in traditional Asian martial arts and learn their intrinsic values; thereby breaking down barriers to coexistence.
Goals Promote tolerance and inter-religious and inter-ethnic understanding. Create public awareness of budo, as a means to promote coexistence between people in conflict. Instill self confidence and inner harmony in the participants, and teach them to break down barriers of ignorance and distrust. Develop an international network of “Ambassadors of Peace” through our young leaders.
History BFP began as a one-time event in Delphi, Greece prior to the 2004 Athens Olympics. Youth in conflict joined together under the Olympic theme “Lay down your weapons and compete in sports."
Organization activities Educational Program Dojos (Martial Arts Clubs) Coexistence & women’s empowerment
Organization activities Civic responsibility Affiliate (KiAi) Clubs Mentor Program
Educational Program Taught in the local language For children aged 9-15 Clubs meet for 90-minute sessions twice weekly. One hour of martial arts training Half an hour of games, discussion and role play to connect the budo values to every day behavior.
Budo – Values for Life Teaches basic values and life skills important for holistic development Humility: Acting without self-importance Responsibility: Meeting challenges with a brave spirit Courage and Commitment: Fighting injustice Honesty: Being truthful Gentleness: Living with affection and compassion Order: Being aware of what creates disorder
Budo – Values for Peace Gives skills to resolve and prevent conflict and create conditions conducive to peace, from the interpersonal to the international Intelligence: Understanding what prevents peace Wisdom: Living without fear Kindness: Caring for others as you would like to be cared for Love: Being a martial arts warrior for peace Sensitivity: Having empathy toward others Respect: Honoring the dignity of all life
Affiliate Club Benefits Positive exposure in local communities Affiliate with fast-growing youth movement promoting tolerance and non-violence. Opportunity to impact larger population Free educational program and training for instructors and mentors
Women’s Empowerment
Club Locations
Students Ages: Located throughout Israel’s social and geographic periphery
Traditional martial arts
Evaluation of influence Questionnaire
BFP Sphere of Influence Number of Dojos over timeNumber of People influenced over time Assumptions: 20 children per dojo; 20 friends & family per child 100 community members per dojo
Model for coexistence Buiene Nujidat is a mixed Muslim and Bedouin town in the Galilee with a history of intra-city youth violence. BFP classes reduced violence in Buiene and then connected its club with nearby Mitzpe Netofa, a religious Jewish village.
Future Goals Connect with millions of martial arts practitioners worldwide Open international affiliate clubs; currently working with connections in Palestinian Authority, Turkey, Jordan & France Organize international events; now working with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Turkish Karate Federation for 2012