Low Risk Asteroid Capture October 1, 2013 Howard Eller Asteroid Initiative Idea Synthesis Workshop Approved for public release. NGAS Clearance case #
NASA Asteroid Initiative Long Range Imager Advanced CubeSat Impactor Ground Penetrating Radar LADAR NG Systems Support Key Elements of NASA’s Asteroid Initiative 2 Ready for launch in 2017 TODAY Asteroid Deflection Vehicle Asteroid Capture System Integrated Sensing Systems
Asteroid Capture Requirements Capture and de-spin an asteroid with the following characteristics: Size: 5 m < mean diameter < 13 m Aspect ratio < 2/1 b Mass: up to 1,000 metric tons Rotation rate: up to 2 rev/minute, any axes Composition, internal structure, & physical integrity unknown until after rendezvous & capture NASA is interested in a variety of asteroid capture system concepts &technologies, including: –Deployable & inflatable structures –Capture bags, robotic mechanisms, modeling & simulation, telerobotic operations NASA is interested in concepts to separate & capture a small piece (1 m to 10 m) from a larger asteroid 3 Cohesiveness Rubble Pile Small Rock Particle Size Rubble Pile Large Conglomerate Monolithic Basalt - Metallic Monolithic Sandstone Capture system must address a broad set of Asteroid conditions Image credit: NASA / JPL / Caltech Image credit: JAXA
Launch Options 4 CaptureVehicle can launch on: Atlas V, Falcon Heavy, Delta-IVH, SLS –Atlas-551 can inject the CaptureVehicle into LEO & the Falcon Heavy to escape An affordable launch reduces cost pressures for all other Asteroid mission elements SLS is heavily employed by the manned mission Atlas 551 is NASA approved, while the Falcon Heavy saves transit time Image credit: NASA
Mission Overview 5 Integrated sensors, models and tele-operation enable autonomous capture 100km 10km 1km 100m 10m 0m Ranging, Orbit & Spin Determination Hyperspectral Imaging LADAR Surface & Structural Characterization LADAR Ground Penetrating RADAR Proximity Operation & Capture CubeSat Flybys CubeSat Impactors Image credit: NASA / JPL / Caltech; JAXA
Heritage Bus Capabilities Flight proven, in-production spacecraft, requiring minimal, changes for EP-transit & Asteroid Capture functions Heritage bus provides: –>1000kg of bi-propellant for 6-DOF Proximity Operations near the Asteroid (additional thrusters required) –Very high structural strength & ruggedness –4 M600 single gimbal CMG’s mounted in a bi-planar configuration with a 35 deg roof angle (300 N-m torque per CMG) –1850, 1600, 1300 N-m-sec cluster momentum storage capability about X, Y & Z 12,000kg Xenon EP module is added in place of an open truss adapter (other missions/buses can use this same module) 6 The Heritage Bus is no-risk and easily available for a 2017 launch EP Module AstroMesh Based AstroArray, Stowed, 2pl Atlas V T3302 Truss Adapter (130-in.)
Capture Vehicle System Capabilities AstroMesh derived solar arrays provide 50kW & high stiffness, high strength Instrument suite mounts on upper surfaces Capture Vehicle matches dominant asteroid rotation & slews to match asteroid precession minimizing relative motion & Asteroid surface disturbance, maximizes Science preservation Capture device consists of: –Conical asteroid contact cone –2 AstroMesh derived AstroCapture halves rapidly & fully enclose the asteroid –Imbedded webs tighten & secure the asteroid for transport Capture Vehicle auto tracks the Asteroid contact point during the capture & securing process & then deactivates its ACS 7 CaptureVehicle autonomously contacts and secures Asteroid maximizing Science preservation AstroMesh Based AstroCapture Asteroid Capture Device, Closed AstroMesh Based AstroCapture Asteroid Capture Device, Open 13m dia Asteroid
Capture Vehicle Approach and Sequence 1.Asteroid visually acquired & “co-orbits” along its v-bar 2.Asteroid tumble & mechanical make-up remotely analyzed 3.Rotation axis, precession, trajectories & capture timing determined 4.Progressive autonomous capture scenario dry-runs executed Near contact approach without contact, back-away Contact with contact point tracking without capture, back-away Contact with sample removal but without capture 5.Contact, contact point track, 5 sec AstroCapture closure, rapid webs/cables tighten, autonomous safe assessment with release option 6.CaptureVehicle ACS autonomously turned off, single-body motion 7.Ground verifies safe & successful capture 8.Spacecraft ACS is ground activated, rotation stopped, vehicle oriented for sun-pointing & thrusting 9.EP- transfer begins 8 Safe to Capture Achieved Prior to Closure AstroCapture Closed and Asteroid Secured by Closure Webs System can successfully address wide range of conditions Image credit: NASA / JPL / Caltech
Maximum Science, Minimum Risk Capture 9 Existing, high capability bus provides robust, low-risk mission implementation Instrumented/gimballed cone provides “any-surface-condition” contact & contingency sample collection CaptureVehicle matches Asteroid motion to minimize surface disturbance & loss of science Progressive autonomous capture dry- runs verify hardware & software before capture Normal to surface “bagging” maximizes surface & science protection Capturing only after Asteroid is in place & relative motion minimized, maximizes capture certainty & allows rapid capture & easy abort & retry Fully open geometry till ready to capture protects the mission & science Filament or Electrostatic Gripper (JPL Gripper shown) Capture Vehicle approaches along dominant spin axis matching Asteroid precession rate Image credit: NASA / JPL / Caltech