Vernal Equinox Sadhana Period March 20-23, 2013 A period of vernal inclination, the extent of earth incline.
Divine Cosmic Energy Surya Pritiva Mudra
*Now, begin your Sadhana by sitting in Sukhasana, facing easterly, quietly in a comfortable place your arms and hands on your lap, raise and lower your knees, Mula Bandha tighten buttock, relax yourself, and pause. Bodhi Mudra Mula Bandha
*Now, eyes turned upward, tilt your head back Granthi Bandha, empty yourself, no body, mind, or consciousness, empty yourself, breath Akasha Mudra, and pause. Akasha Mudra
*Now, preform Hand Gesturing. Shiva Shakti Mudra
*Now, bring folded hands in Namaste prayer position Repeat Namasmarana
*Now, place hands on Nabhi center Nabhi Mudra
*Now, place hands on knees, palms down, arms along side, eyes closed, chin to chest Jalandhar Bandha, draw stomach up Uddiyana Bandha, tighten buttock Mula Bandha, bend forward and seal, pause. Yog Mudra
*Now, raise yourself upward, sitting up Sukhasana Pranic Mudra
*Now, place hands on knees, sitting upright in Sukhasana Feel alive, invigorated, seeds are planted. Chant bijas, lum, vum, rum, yum, hum.
*Now, open eyes blinking, this Sadhana is best practiced in morning Sun. Surya Mudra Prana
Anahata Mudra Laugh, tapping chest to open the heart, rejoice. End of Sadhana