Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Campus Completion Plan Presentation of Draft Plan Process & Categories (Dr. Tim Mott) Overview of Strategies (Michele Geers & Soni Hill) Financial Impact (Dr. Monica Posey/Dr. Wendy Bolt) National Perspective (Dr. Barbara Endel) May 27, 2014 Dr. O’dell Moreno Owens, President
Campus Completion Plan Process Study of Best Practices (OBR Completion Summit, PLA Conference & Other) Steering Council Subteams (faculty, staff and student members) Data Collection/Analysis Subteam proposals and presentations Completion Retreat(President, Executive Team, Cabinet, Steering Council) Organize, write and revise plan
The Cincinnati State Plan covers the following required categories: Connection to the institution Successful first-year entry Student progress Student completion Workforce impact
CONNECTION High School Student Connections – Early College/College Credit Plus: Expand dual enrollment/Early College and where appropriate engage and recruit students to Cincinnati State Impact : * High course pass rates * More college-ready new students Intake Process for Non-college Ready Students: Strengthen interventions, resources and referrals Impact: *Maximize “Ability to Benefit” * Reduce bad debt * Increase Academic Foundations course success Early Program Selection ** Create more structured and planned process for selection of Program of Study on entry, including undecided tracks Impact: * Fewer change of majors * Less time to degree *Decrease FA ineligibility Prior Learning Assessment ** Develop PLA plan, policies and procedures to maximize student credit for prior learning Impact: *Reduce time to degree ** No additional financial resources needed
FIRST YEAR ENTRY Program/Course Redesign Redesign Academic Foundations for accelerated progress using a variety of instructional methods (contextualized, technology enhanced, self-paced) and intensive support. Redesign programs to tighten degree requirements, incorporate structured career pathways Impact - *increase AF completion *increase # students earning 12 college credits in one yr Mandatory Advising Modify the advising process to support mandatory advising for target populations Impact: *Increase persistence for new students New Student Orientation (NSO) Enhance NSO with multiple orientation options and be part of a comprehensive new student “onboarding” process Impact: **Increase persistence for new students First Year Experience (FYE) Course Strengthen and expand the FYE course to address college readiness, career exploration, college completion, and special populations. Impact: *More students completing course and being successful in first semester at CS
PROGRESS Academic Support Align support to ensure proactive high impact, integrated interventions (e.g., Starfish, Academic Holds, Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction) Impact * Higher success rates for courses, especially gatekeeper courses Student Services Support ** Refine administrative services, processes, policies and procedures to be more responsive to student needs, including withdraw process and payment /deferral plan Impact: *Fewer barriers to progress * Reduce number of No Shows Center for Teaching Excellence Develop a center to promote alternative/innovative instructional methods for student success and learner-centered instruction Impact: Improve classroom instruction, increasing course completion ** No additional financial resources needed
COMPLETION Student Experience Conduct a critical assessment of the CS experience in order to establish a comprehensive student experience management model Impact: *Increase student engagement *Increase student satisfaction and retention Student Communication ** Improve communications regarding campus policies, deadlines, and events utilizing new and traditional means Impact: *Better informed students * Fewer obstacles to degree Student Incentives & Scholarships Provide incentives (financial and nonfinancial) at key points to student success Impact: Increase student progress metrics (12 credits, 24, etc) Career Placement Establish a center that provides career exploration, job readiness and placement. Impact: *Completion motivated by higher job placement *Increase grant eligibility Student Transfer Expand articulated degree pathways and provide robust transfer support and advising Impact: *increase enrollment of college-ready and bachelor bound students ** No additional financial resources needed
WORKFORCE IMPACT Employer Engagement Enhance employer engagement to ensure curricular offerings are producing students with credentials that are valued by the labor market. Conduct a “Dynamic Skills Audit” to measure the connection between program offerings and industry needs/expectations. Impact: *completion motivated by higher job placement Experiential Learning *** Enhance and expand opportunity for co-op, internships, practicum, etc. to ensure work-ready students and differentiate Cincinnati State from other providers. Impact: *Increased retention Non-credit to Credit Pathways Expand and track the alignment of non-credit continuing education course/program offerings to academic credit pathways promoting both: Articulated Credit Pathways and Structured Career Pathways Impact: *smooth transition to degree programs * decrease time to degree ** No additional financial resources needed ***Grant funded
Connection to the Institution First Year Entry Student Progress Student Completion Workforce Impact Cost FY15 Early College: Printing/Mail/ Events $4,000 Intake Process Eliminate AF 070/075 Loss revenue $880,000 Mandatory Advising: 2 FTE Advisors $160,000 Program/Course Redesign : Consultant fees, Professional Dev: $20-40,000 Academic Support: Supplemental Instruction faculty and staff: tbd Student Experience: Consultant Fee $10,000 Student Incentives: tbd Employer Engagement: Dynamic Skills Audit fee $20,000 Additional costs Cost FY16 New Student Orientation: $13,000 FYE Course: FT & PT instructors $75,000 Center for Teaching Excellence: Facility renovation, personnel, equipment Career Center: $425,000 Transfer Center: Facility Renovations, l 1 FTE Clerical Support Resource Needs
Connection to the Institution First Year Entry Student Progress Student Completion Workforce Impact Tuition from new students recruited $195,370 Enrollment in higher level Academic Foundations courses $190,330 Additional tuition due to a higher retention rate and more students passing gatekeeper courses $1,769,754 Increased subsidy due to higher course completion rate: tbd Increased subsidy due to reaching OBR milestones: tbd Increased subsidy due to reaching OBR milestones: tbd Projected Revenue
Summary Comments National Perspective