Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia …
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Illustrating the promises to Abraham Ê The heir & slave in a house 4:1-7 In an ordinary house, we would find a child/son of the owner an a slave v. 1 The child = the Jews under Law 3:24 The slave = the Gentiles outside Law (no rights)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Illustrating the promises to Abraham Ê The heir & slave in a house 4:1-7 As the son, the child is prospective “owner” (lord) of all v. 1b However, while a minor, he “differs not at all from the slave”…he is under the care of guardians until maturity vv. 1a, 2
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Illustrating the promises to Abraham Ê The heir & slave in a house 4:1-7 The duration of the guardian’s care of the minor child is set by the father v. 2b While under the Law, the Jews were under “guardianship” to their “tutor” or “schoolmaster” 3:24
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Illustrating the promises to Abraham Ê The heir & slave in a house 4:1-7 Just as the earthly father set the day for the minor child to leave the care of his guardians, God acted “…when the fullness of time came” v. 4 The Jews could then become full grown
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Illustrating the promises to Abraham Ê The heir & slave in a house 4:1-7 The “you” of vv. 6-7 is the Gentiles They were “sons” (full-grown, not minor) by their obedience 3:26-29 As a result, God sent forth His Spirit into their hearts
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Illustrating the promises to Abraham Ê The heir & slave in a house 4:1-7 That uncircumcised Gentiles received the Spirit further proved they didn’t need the Judaizers…they could cry to a Father Therefore, they were no longer slaves… they were sons (heirs) v. 7
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Before proceeding with his 2nd example, Paul pauses to chastise the Galatians one more time 4:8-20 Had done so previously 3:1-5 This time, his remarks are more personal re: himself & how he felt about them
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 Before coming to Christ (obedience…not knowing God in a covenant), the Galatians were slaves in an idolatrous way v. 8 Now that they were known by God, Paul asks why they would return to ideas as taught by the Judaizers vv. 9-10
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 These “Judaizing concepts” were not able to produce what the Galatians needed… they were “weak & worthless” Rom 8:3 These “Judaizing concepts” were not able to make anyone free…they only brought slavery to those who lived by them
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 Paul was therefore afraid all his labors in Galatia had become vain v. 11 Therefore, he begged them… “Become as I am, for I have become as you are.” v. 12
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 Paul wanted the Galatians to be like him re: the Law…to be “free from it” He had become like them 2:14-15, 17 He was a great example in this way In his personal life Phil 3:4-14 In his apostolic labors 1 Cor 9:19-23
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 Paul seems to focus on his personal feelings toward the Galatian Christians vv a, 15b, 19 He endured struggles while with them He had physical infirmities…he also was persecuted Acts 13:50 14:5, 19
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 Paul reminds them they had done him no wrong when he was with them v. 12b He also reminds them of the physical infirmity that affected him while he was with them in Galatia v. 13
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 Question of interest…what was Paul’s physical infirmity? v. 13 Many theories have been offered through the centuries…cannot say for certain The best guess Ù some ailment that had affected his eyes 4:15 6:11
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 They had not despised Paul nor the condition that caused him great physical suffering v. 14a He was to them as an “angel” v. 14b Now, he wants to know where that previous thinking has gone v. 15a
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 Before, they would have plucked out their own eyes for the ailing apostle v. 15b Now, was he their enemy for telling them the truth re: the Judaizers? vv (their false teaching & how they really didn’t care about them as did Paul)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 The 2nd Galatian chastisement 4:8-20 The Judaizers sought the Galatians, but not for commendable purposes They “sought them” to shut them off from the apostle Paul v. 17b Therefore, they would only seek them
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia …