Beginnings: Stories of God’s Creation and Promises Jacob: A Man Named Israel
Helping Hands
A Birthright Stolen Esau and Jacob are the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Rebekah knows that the second son, Jacob, is to be principal heir of the family.
A Birthright Stolen Rebekah helps Jacob to steal Esau’s birthright. Making himself appear like Esau to his father (who has failing eyesight), Jacob receives Isaac’s blessing
A Birthright Stolen Although Isaac realizes he’s been deceived, he cannot take back his blessing once given. Esau vows to kill Jacob one day. Rebekah sincerely believes she is performing God’s will. Read Genesis 27:1-41.
God’s Will In the Israelites understanding, things would work out the way God wanted them to – no matter what. Write two or three paragraphs about a situation where something good worked out in your life even though the odds seemed against it.
Jacob Journeys to Haran To escape from Esau, Jacob flees to Haran. He dreams of angels ascending and descending from heaven – Jacob’s Ladder.
Jacob Journeys to Haran He hears the voice of God repeat the Promise made to Abraham, and names the place Bethel “the house or abode of God.”
Life in Haran Jacob stays in the home of his uncle, Laban. Jacob is in love with Laban’s daughter, Rachel and wants to marry her. Laban tricks him into marrying his other daughter, Leah.
Life in Haran Several years later, he marries Rachel. Finally, Jacob decides to leave Haran and return home, to Canaan and the land of God’s Promise.
Jacob Receives a New Name: Israel On the way to Canaan, Jacob remembers Esau. He send herdsmen ahead with gifts to placate Esau. Jacob reminds God of His promise of protection. Jacob has a strange encounter with an angel. Read Genesis 32:23-32.
Jacob Receives a New Name: Israel He wrestles with the angel and refuses to let go. Instead, he asks for a blessing. Jacob is given a new name: Israel. Israel – means one who has contended with divine and human beings, and lives. Read Genesis 32:23-32.
Some of Jacob’s Qualities
The Continuation of God’s Promise Jacob makes peace with his brother Esau. He rids his family of the trappings of their pagan religion in a purification rite that initiates the family into the worship of the God of Israel. Read Genesis 35:1-29.
The Continuation of God’s Promise Jacob receives God’s blessing – the Promise of the land of Canaan and a royal line that is to be a blessing to all nations. Read Genesis 35:1-29.
For Review Why does Rebekah try to maneuver Jacob into the position of principal heir of Isaac? Describe the strange encounter that Jacob has on the way back to Canaan. What new name is he given and what does it mean? How does Jacob initiate his family into the worship of the God of Israel?