The 6 sorry wives of Henry VIII These are the 6 wives of Henry the 8th.
Catherine of Aragon Catherine of Aragon lived for 51 years. Henry wanted a wife who could give him a son to rule England after him in the Tudor times. Henry married her for 24 years. She died of a broken heart because Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn. Catherine of Aragon was born in Spain, when there was war in Spain she was sent to England. She got married on June 11th 1509 at Greyfrias Church. She had a daughter called Mary. However, her son died a still birth. Before she married Henry VIII, she was married to Henry’s brother King Author. When Henry VIII was twelve, he fell in love with Catherine but he couldn’t marry her until he was seventeen years old.
Anne Boleyn Henry VIII loved Anne whilst he was still married to Catherine of Aragon. He liked how she was young, pretty and witty. They sent love letters to each other! They were married to each other for three years. Anne died as Henry VIII had her beheaded. Anne was accused of witchcraft because she killed her uncle.
Jane Seymour Jane Seymour lived for 29 years. She was lady in waiting to Anne Boleyn. Henry VIII didn’t like Anne because she gave him a daughter but then he met Jane. Henry liked Jane because she was kind and never bossy. Henry VIII and Jane Seymour were married for one year. She died giving birth. Her son to Henry VIII was Prince Edward VI. She died two weeks after her son was born. Henry VIII made Jane Seymour's grave, therefore he truly loved and cared for her. Jane had a park named after her. It was called Park Seymour. This park is in Wales.
Anne Of Cleves Anne Of Cleves lived for 42 years then she died of a broken heart because Henry VIII divorced her. When Henry VIII divorced her, she didn’t want to leave England. Therefore became Henry VIII’s beloved sister in name. Anne Of Cleves was married to Henry VIII for six months, in that time Henry realised that Anne Of Cleves apparently looked like a horse. When Anne died, she was buried in a tomb. The tomb is in Westminster Abbey.
Kathryn Howard Henry VIII had Kathryn Howard beheaded as she was unfaithful to him. She was sent to The Tower Of London. He married her because he needed someone to live on with. She was married on 28th July. 6 years before she was beheaded, her cousin was beheaded because of Henry VIII. She had an affair with her cousin. She was accused of adultery. Her cousin was called Culpepper. When she met Henry, she was 19 and Henry was 49. Her cousin was Anne Boleyn. She was her mother’s tenth child.
Katherine Parr Katherine Parr lived for 36 years. She died of becoming ill then she passed away 6 days after giving birth. Henry VIII married her because he needed a spare male heir because if Edward died then Mary would rule. He also married her because he was very ill and he needed a wife to nurse him and look after him. After Henry VIII died, Katherine Parr married Thomas Seymour who was Jane Seymour's brother. Henry VIII married her on 12th July 1543 at Queen Closet Hamlet Court. She passed away 30th August.
By: Summer Clarke and Braden Hardstaff hope you enjoyed the slide show thank you for watching: The end!