Protestant – daughter of Henry VIII Became queen when Mary I died with no heir Worked well with Parliament Brought some religious tolerance to England Died with no heir
King of Scotland Cousin to Elizabeth – heir Absolutism and Divine Right Did not ask Parliament for permission Strict Catholic –conflict with Puritans Commissioned King James Version of the Bible
Protestant members of the Church of England (Anglican) Wanted to purify chuch by getting rid of Catholic influence Parliament Puritans did not like James I
How might the differing religious views of the king and members of Parliament lead to problems?
Son of James I Divine Right Catholic Forced to sign the Petition of Right – an attempt to limit his powers Dismissed Parliament Taxed without permission
Royalists/Cavaliers – supporters of the king Roundheads – supporters of Parliament Puritans
Puritan leader Military general Member of Parliament Leader of Roundheads Very religious “King Killer”
Charles I executed for treason Roundheads declare England a commonwealth Cromwell made the new leader Became a dictator – forced religious practices on people Dismissed Parliament
1660 – Parliament voted to bring the monarchy back to England “Restored” the rightful heir to the throne – Charles II Crest of House of Stuart
Why would the British bring back the monarchy when they just fought a war to get rid of it?
Restored religious tolerance Passed Habeas Corpus Act that said that accused had right to a trial Known as the Merry Monarch
What actions would Charles II have done to earn him the nickname “The Merry Monarch”?
Catholic Parliament was afraid they would continue to fight with Catholic kings Parliament wanted to get rid of James and bring in a Protestant monarch
James II forced to leave Parliament brought in his Protestant daughter and her husband William and Mary signed the English Bill of Rights Formed a constitutional monarchy
You will create a timeline of the English Revolution (aka English Civil War) on the provided worksheet using the ten events provided for you on the next slide. Using chapter 4, section 3 of your textbook, put the events in order AND create an illustration for EACH event. There are also nine questions on the back of the timeline for you to answer.
1660-Cromwell died & England restored Stuart line by bringing Charles II to the throne 1649-England becomes Commonwealth under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell Charles I forced to sign Petition of Right 1685-James II ascends to throne as Catholic king James I becomes first Stuart king of England Charles I beheaded for treason 1646-Cromwell is victorious over Charles I Charles I ascends to the throne 1688-Power transferred to William & Mary in Glorious Revolution 1629-Charles I taxed people without consent of Parliament 1689-William & Mary forced to sign English Bill of Rights
1. 8. Cromwell died & England restored Stuart line by bringing Charles II to the throne England becomes Commonwealth under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell Charles I forced to sign Petition of Right James II ascends to throne as Catholic king James I becomes first Stuart king of England Charles I beheaded for treason Cromwell is victorious over Charles I Charles I ascends to the throne Power transferred to William & Mary in Glorious Revolution Charles I taxed people without consent of Parliament William & Mary forced to sign English Bill of Rights
1. What does it mean to believe in divine right? 2. What was the Petition of Right? 3. What is a civil war? 4. What are the names of the two groups who were fighting in the English Civil War? 5. What kind of leader was Cromwell? 6. Charles II was known as the Merry Monarch. Why do you think that is? 7. Why wouldn’t England want a Catholic king? 8. What reasons did Thomas Hobbes give for supporting an absolute monarch? 9. Name three freedoms guaranteed by the English Bill of Rights.