THE GREAT WAR By. Raymee Watson
Aggressive Nationalism Germany was proud of their military power and victory in the Franco-Prussian War Pan-Slavism: Meant that all Slavic people shared a common nationality. As the largest Slavic country, Russia swore to defend all Slavic nations against any threat Austria Hungary and the Ottoman empire feared that people living within their borders may form nationalist movements to form their own countries French were bitter and wanted to regain “lost provinces” of Alsace and Lorraine
IMPERIALISM AND ECONOMIC RIVALRIES British felt threatened by Germany’s rapid economic growth Germany felt that other powerful nations did not respect them Competition for colonies in Africa brought Germany and France to the brink of war The British began to unite with the French against Germany’s Imperialist desires
Militarism and the Arms Race Glorification of the military. The military began to dominate many country’s national policy Social Darwinism: Naturally, the strongest shall survive Arms Race: Rival countries tried to make sure that they would “build a bigger military than the enemy will build when they hear we’re building a bigger military than theirs.” Fear of war gave military leaders more influence in government
The Tangle of Alliances Out of fear, nations signed treaties promising to defend each other Central Powers (Triple Alliance): Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire Allies (Triple Entente): France, Great Britain, Russia, and eventually the U.S.A. This system made it easy for a small local war to escalate into a horrifying world war
Western Front Eastern Front
Weapons used in WWI
Automatic machine gun Mounted gun that fires a rapid, continuous stream of bulls. Made it possible for a few gunners to mow down waves of soldiers. The Machine Gun’s effectiveness on the war was very good and the Machine gun has been modified and used ever since in wars ever since. This created the stale mate by making it difficult to advance across No Man’s Land.
Tank A armored vehicle that travels on a track allowing it to cross many different kinds of Terrain. The propose of the Tank was to Protect advancing troops as they broke through enemy defenses. This helped break the stalemate because it made it possible to go across No Man’s Land All though early tanks were not used often because there were slow an Clumsy.
Poison gas, Gas mask Poison gas : gas mask There are various gases that can cause Choking, blindness, or severe skin blisters. Gas masks were used to protect soldiers from the poison in the air. Because the gas wasn’t well controlled it helped create and continue the stalemate. The gas was lobbed by a missile into enemy trenches, killing or disabling enemy an sometimes troops of your own army.
SUBMARINE The Submarine was a small craft an was considered to be a questionable tactic to battle. By the end of World War One, Every navy had a Submarine fighter. The Submarines generally were armed with self-propelled Torpedoes for attacking enemy ships. This weapon helped continue the Stalemate.
Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28. Ferdinand was the next heir to the Thrown to Austria – Hungary.
Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28. Ferdinand was the next heir to the Thrown to Austria – Hungary Because of an Alliance system, Established August 4, All of Europe was at war within one week.
Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28. Ferdinand was the next heir to the Thrown to Austria – Hungary. Because of an Alliance system, Established August 4, All of Europe was at war within one week The first British Passenger ship The Falaba was sank in open waters on March 1
1914 – Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28 th. Ferdinand was the next heir to the Thrown to Austria – Hungary Because of an Alliance system, Established August 4 th, All of Europe was at war within one week The first British Passenger ship The Falaba was sank in open waters on March 1 st. A secret treaty of London was Concluded by France, Russia, Italy, an Brittan. On April 26 th.
Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare on open waters and everything was free game on January 31 st Zimmermann telegram was decoded or translated and sent and published in U.S. press on March 1 st Zimmermann telegram is passed to the U.S. by Britain detailing alleged German proposal of an alliance with Mexico against the U.S. February 24 th
1918- Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare on open waters and everything was free game on January 31 st Zimmermann telegram was decoded or translated and sent and published in U.S. press on March 1 st Peace treaty called the Treaty of Vesailles was signed between nations on June 28 th was free game on January 31 st.
TREATY OF VESAILLES The full treaty of Versailles. The treaty of Versailles was a Treaty or agreement signed after the great world war one in 1919 even though the war was over on the11hour of the 11 day of the 11 month in 1918.
Eastern Front These deserters were a key component of the overthrow of the Czar in February of In November 1917 Vladimir Lenin led a revolution that overthrew the government and took Russia out the war. Communists incited the Russian ranks and indicated soldiers to desert the front and return home. In 1914 Russia sent its enormous armies against the Germans and Austrians along the vast Eastern Front, which stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. Lenin signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with the Central Power. This treaty caused Russia to lose about 25 percent of its land and population
Germany, France, Britain, and Belgium fought along this 475-miles-long front. Germany’s Schlieffen plan called for a quick, all-Belgium, the Germans planned to capture France and then turn their attention to Russia. On August 8th the German lines were finally broken Germany made several tactical blunders, and both sides became mired in a violent stalemate was the year of two major offensives. Western Front