Thinking About Renaissance Ideas
What distinguishes Brunelleschi as an architect? What is the most marked characteristic of his artistic/architectural style?
The Spedale degli Innocenti was a foundling children’s orphanage established in 1419 and designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. This Foundling Hospital is regarded as a prime example of early Italian Renissance architecture. Why? What do you see?
Each bay of the arcade encloses a cube of space defined by the 10-braccia (20 foot) height of the columns and the diameter of the arches. Hemispherical pendentive domes half as high as the columns cover the cubes
The Guild of the Silk Manufacturers and Goldsmiths in Florence established this orphanage. Why does this building have a portico?
What type of capital is on this column? What craftsman made the medallion? Out of what medium?
The nocentini, or “little innocents”, were left at the doors of the hospital in the hopes that they would be able to sustain a better life in a time of severe economic destitution and social hardships. A unique rotating wheel system allowed parents to leave their children at the doors of the hospital without being seen. Parents could depend on this hospital to care for their newborns on either a permanent or a temporary basis.
Many parents, though reluctant to give over their child, knew that they would be properly cared for at the hospital and hoped that one day they would be reunited. This anticipation of reunion can be seen in the many different types of jewelry that were broken in half, one piece left with the mother and the other given to her child, in the hopes that the two separated pieces would one day be whole again.
What distinguishes Brunelleschi as an architect? What is the most marked characteristic of his artistic/architectural style? Rationality Mathematical Resolution Proportion Extreme Formalism and Balance in other words: Classical Form
Lorenzo Ghiberti was trained as a goldsmith. He spent his life crafting low relief sculptures. His most famous work are two sets of doors that he designed for the Florence Baptistry—the building directly opposite the west façade of the Florence duomo where all Florentines were baptized.
What makes Ghiberti’s work an embodiment of Renaissance ideals? How does he treat perspective? How does he treat the body? How does he retain the medieval use of images used to teach biblical narrative?
Lorenzo Ghiberti The Gates of Paradise Eastern Door of the Baptistry in Florence
The Creation of Adam and Eve
The Story of Jacob and Esau
The Story of Abraham God tried Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac (according to Judeo- Christian theology; Muslims believe Abraham was told to sacrifice his oldest son, Ishmael). This was significant for two reasons. If Abraham's son died there would be no heir to inherit the land God promised Abraham. If Abraham sacrificed his son, Abraham must believe in the resurrection of the dead. Once God saw that Abraham was serious (He was driving the knife towards his son) God intervened and pointed out a ram for Abraham to sacrifice.
God tried Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac (according to Judeo-Christian theology; Muslims believe Abraham was told to sacrifice his oldest son, Ishmael). This was significant for two reasons. If Abraham's son died there would be no heir to inherit the land God promised Abraham. If Abraham sacrificed his son, Abraham must believe in the resurrection of the dead. Once God saw that Abraham was serious (He was driving the knife towards his son) God intervened and pointed out a ram for Abraham to sacrifice.
The Sacrifice of Isaac 1401