The Renaissance
Renaissance – “Rebirth” Began in Italy In England, renewed interest in the classics of Greece and Rome The Odyssey
A Renewal of the Human Spirit People were curious about themselves and their world. Christopher Columbus
Michaelangelo & DaVinci
New energy for creating beautiful things…. Humanism sought to harmonize the Bible and the classics. + The Odyssey
They wanted to use the classics to strengthen, not discredit, Christianity. And thinking daring thoughts.
1485 – The Renaissance Begins King Richard was tied up like a Thanksgiving turkey and thrown in an unmarked grave.
Henry VII Cousin of Lancastrian kings Killed Yorkist king Richard III in battle Married Richard’s niece
Civil War: Lancaster vs. York Henry VII married Elizabeth of York War of the Roses
Henry VII The First Tudor Monarch after The War of the Roses Rebuilt the nation’s treasury Restored law and order Restored the prestige of the monarchy
Living Children of Henry VII Arthur ( ) –Marriage arranged in 1489 –Became Prince of Wales –Married Catherine of Aragon ( ) in 1501 Margaret ( ) Henry VIII ( ) –Became King and Married Catherine of Aragon in 1509 Mary ( )
At the beginning of the Renaissance, Europe and all of England were Roman Catholic. Until King Henry VIII came along, that is….
Henry VIII was interested in the arts, sciences, humanities, and religion. He was a true ‘Renaissance Man’
Henry VIII had SIX wives. His first was Catherine of Aragon, the widow of his older brother and a Spanish noblewoman. She gave Henry six children; all but Mary died.
The Fate of Catherine of Aragon Desperate for a male heir, Henry applied for an annulment (divorce was not allowed in the Catholic church) on the grounds that she had been previously wed (for 5 months to his brother Arthur, now dead). It was against church law to marry a dead sibling’s spouse.
The Pope denied the annulment So…Henry created the Anglican church, appointed Thomas Cromwell the archbishop, made the king of England (himself) the head of the church and divorced Catherine of Aragon. And locked her in the tower.
This was just one portion of the Reformation, the breaking with the church in Rome.
Martin Luther also contributed to the reformation when he published an interpretation of Christianity that was personal – not based on the Pope’s interpretation. But now, back to Henry….
Many people were dissatisfied They felt the Church of England was merely a copy of Catholicism.
Henry was happy, though,… He got his divorce. Which left him free to marry…
Wife #2: Anne Boleyn Anne was a young woman of court. She gave him a daughter, Elizabeth I.
The Fate of Anne Boleyn When no male heir was forthcoming, Henry accused her of having an affair. And had her beheaded.
Wife #3: Jane Seymore Jane provided Henry with his only male child to live past infancy. She is the only wife buried with Henry.
Unfortunately for Jane…. She failed to live beyond the birthing bed. So Henry married…
Wife #4: Anne of Cleves This political marriage was to form an alliance with Lutheran Germany.
When the alliance failed, So did the marriage. Henry divorced Anne. to marry…
Wife #5: Catherine Howard Catherine had been Maid of Honor at Henry’s previous marriage. Became the new “Mrs.” just 19 days after the divorce from Anne.
Ooops…he did it again… Henry had Catherine beheaded. When Henry tired of Catherine, he declared it treasonous for a woman to have affairs before marriage (which, Henry said, Catherine had). And then there was…
Wife #6: Catherine Parr Twice widowed. Deeply religious. United entire family (including Henry’s previous children) and…
Outlived Henry!!!!! Henry died four years into their marriage. Catherine married again (husband #4)
A brief jingle in honor of Henry’s wives… Divorced, Beheaded, Died. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived.
The House of Tudor (C) Henry VII (P) Henry VIII (P) Edward VI (ruled ages 9 – 16) (C) Mary (Bloody Mary, daughter of Aragon; married King of Spain, burned 300 Protestants at the stake; died of fever) (P) Elizabeth I * (C) = Catholic; (P) = Protestant
Tudor Family Tree Henry VII Elizabeth of York Arthur Margaret Queen Consort, Scotland Henry VIII Mary Queen Consort, France James IV King of Scotland Catherine Of Aragon Bloody Mary Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I James V King of Scotland Mary Of Guise Mary I, Queen of Scots Francis II, King of France(d) Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley(d) James Hepburn James VI (Scotland), I (England) Jane Seymour Catherine Howard Catherine Parr Anne of Cleves Edward VI Phillip II, King of Spain Stewart
Elizabeth I: Most Successful English Monarch
The Virgin Queen Though she kept King Philip of Spain on a leash for many years before she jilted him.
King Philip was angry and sent the Spanish Armada against England.
Elizabeth took care of him… With the Royal Navy, establishing England as a powerful force on the high seas.
First in line for the English throne was Mary, Queen of Scots
Tudor Family Tree Henry VII Elizabeth of York Arthur Margaret Queen Consort, Scotland Henry VIII Mary Queen Consort, France James IV King of Scotland Catherine Of Aragon Bloody Mary Anne Boleyn Elizabeth I James V King of Scotland Mary Of Guise Mary I, Queen of Scots Francis II, King of France(d) Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley(d) James Hepburn James VI (Scotland), I (England) Jane Seymour Catherine Howard Catherine Parr Anne of Cleves Edward VI Phillip II, King of Spain Stewart
Like father, like daughter… Elizabeth sheltered Mary for a while, then accused her of plotting against her and had her ….(want to guess????) BEHEADED!!!!
Elizabeth I was… Literate, as was more than half the population of England by Thanks to Johannes Gutenberg and his printing press.
The Printing Press Made books cheaper and more readily available to the common people.
By the end of the Renaissance People were more interested in secular subjects and daily life than religion.
The House of Stuart (Stewart) (P) James I (Son of Mary, Queen of Scots, James VI in Scotland) (P/C) Charles I (Tyrant, Struggled against Parliament, Subjects had him beheaded) (C) Charles II (Returned from exile in France) After Charles II, Parliament ruled for 11 years under Oliver Cromwell