This is the tale of two sons: the younger and the elder brother This story undermines the existing parables we have for understanding our relationship with God Three Act Process – The background, the problem and the resolution
ACT I: Part I “Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.” (Luke 15:12b) – His request implied that he wished his father was dead – The younger son wanted the father’s wealth, comfort, and prestige but not the father – Land=estate, status, self The father’s life was his land, so the younger son is asking his father to tear himself apart.
ACT I: Part II I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired men.”’(Luke 15:18-19)
ACT I: Part II The Son’s Request – This is not a request to become a slave because a slave works on the estate and lives on the estate. A hired man lives in town and has a wage. He actually is saying: “I want to work and pay the father back.” – He knows he needs to make restitution.
ACT I: Part II The Father’s Response – He felt compassion for him. – He ran-he broke tradition Complete emotional abandonment: runs to him, kisses him, and fell on his neck. – He fully restored the son to his position as a son The robe The ring: the signet ring has the family seal on it The sandals
Act I: Part II Are you like the younger brother? – Have you wanted the things God provides but not God? – All of us are like the younger son because when we first come to God, we want to earn our way back, but God, like the father in the story, will have none of it. God fully restores us as His sons and daughters
Act I: Part II Act One is not where the story ends – Jesus’ purpose was not to give us a sentimental message that God will accept us no matter what we do. The audience is offended by Jesus’ parable – He is here to say that everything we have ever heard and everything we’ve ever thought about how to approach God is wrong!
Act II “Now his elder son was in the field, and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing.” (Luke 15:25)
Act II “Now his elder son was in the field, and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing.” (Luke 15:25) – The elder brother was angry at the father’s celebration for the younger son
Act II “Now his elder son was in the field, and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing.” (Luke 15:25) – The elder brother was angry at the father’s celebration for the younger son – It was now his turn to assault the integrity of the family His attitude was, “I am the heir and I don’t want to be in the same family with him in it.”
Act II “Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours; and yet you have never given me a young goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends; but when this son of yours came, who has devoured your wealth with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him.” (Luke 15:29)
Act II He will not acknowledge being in the same family with the younger brother.
Act II He will not acknowledge being in the same family with the younger brother. The elder brother is furious, but he is particular upset about the cost.
Act II He will not acknowledge being in the same family with the younger brother. The elder brother is furious, but he is particular upset about the cost. The elder brother realizes that this was the greatest day in the father’s life
Act II He will not acknowledge being in the same family with the younger brother. The elder brother is furious, but he is particular upset about the cost. The elder brother realizes that this was the greatest day in the father’s life All he sees is that the father is using his inheritance in a way that he doesn’t approve of
Act II The elder brother’s true heart
Act II The elder brother’s true heart – He cares about the father’s things and not the father’s heart.
Act II The elder brother’s true heart – He cares about the father’s things and not the father’s heart. The father’s plea
Act II The elder brother’s true heart – He cares about the father’s things and not the father’s heart. The father’s plea – Everything I have is yours
Act II The elder brother’s true heart – He cares about the father’s things and not the father’s heart. The father’s plea – Everything I have is yours – The father wants the elder brother to join the celebration
Recap Act One-Traditional depiction of sin
Recap Act One-Traditional depiction of sin Act Two-Two sons, one good and one bad, but they’ve both been alienated from the father
Recap Act One-Traditional depiction of sin Act Two-Two sons, one good and one bad, but they’ve both been alienated from the father – The young brother was trying to get control by leaving and disobeying. The elder is trying to get control by staying and obeying.
Recap Act Two-Two sons, one good and one bad, but they’ve both been alienated from the father
Recap Act Two-Two sons, one good and one bad, but they’ve both been alienated from the father – The young brother was trying to get control by leaving and disobeying. The elder is trying to get control by staying and obeying.
Recap Act Two-Two sons, one good and one bad, but they’ve both been alienated from the father – The young brother was trying to get control by leaving and disobeying. The elder is trying to get control by staying and obeying. – So there are two states of being lost